Malnutrition during pregnancy - causes

The causes that lead to the development of a pregnancy such a violation, as low in water, may be different. Often, doctors need to make a long differential diagnosis to get to the truth. Let's consider this violation in more detail and, in particular, we will find out why there is water scarcity during pregnancy.

What is meant by the term "hypochlorism"?

As is known, during gestation the volume of amniotic fluid changes continuously, and is directly related to the baby's needs, the period of pregnancy. It is generally believed that by the end of the 38th week of normal gestation, their volume is about 1500 ml.

However, the diagnosis of "low water" is established much earlier. For the first time suspicion of such a violation doctors can already at 20 week. It is accepted to allocate several degrees of low water. In those cases when the volume of the amniotic fluid is less than 1 liter by 30-32 weeks, they speak of pronounced low water level. Most often, diagnostic tests are performed using ultrasound.

Why does hypochondria develop during pregnancy?

There are a lot of reasons that cause this condition during gestation. That is why it is common in obstetrics to combine them into groups:

  1. Associated with the presence of congenital malformations in the fetus. Often a violation of the development of organs and systems leads to a decrease in the volume of the amniotic fluid. This can be noted with agenesis (absence of the urethra), bilateral narrowing of the ureters, dysplasia of the kidneys.
  2. Caused by pathological changes in fetal development. To such violations it is customary to refer: intrauterine infection of the child (cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis), developmental delay, pathology in the chromosome set (Marfan, Down syndrome, etc.).
  3. The reasons that have a direct connection with the metabolic disturbance in the body of a pregnant woman, which can be the result of such chronic diseases as:
  • Called the pathology of the placenta:
  • Others. Among the reasons explaining why pregnancy develops a lack of water, also allocate:
  • Such medications are prescribed, as a rule, with the threat of premature birth.

    How is it treated?

    With reduced volume of amniotic fluid, physicians, in the first place, are prescribed ultrasound. This allows you to exclude the presence of vices in the development of the fetus. In parallel, a blood test for screening markers is performed. If there is suspicion, amniocentesis is performed - the collection of amniotic fluid, in order to carry out karyotyping and exclude chromosomal abnormalities.

    If there is a lack of hydration in the current pregnancy at a later date, the woman is hospitalized to find out the reasons and purpose of the treatment. In a hospital, the future mother is prescribed vitamins (B, C), drugs that improve blood circulation (Kurantil), transportation of oxygen to tissues and fetal systems (Actovegin). In this case, continuous monitoring of the state of the future baby through CTG, dopplerometry.