Laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis (liposuction) is a modern, low-traumatic method of correction of fat deposits, which is characterized by a short rehabilitation period and a persistent aesthetic effect. This procedure has already been successfully tested by many Hollywood stars, and today the opportunity to improve their appearance is almost everyone.

Field of application of laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is used for the purpose of contour plasty on relatively small areas of the body, when the volume of fat removed is small (up to 0.5 m3). This is an effective way to fight fat deposits, especially in cases where the use of diets and physical exertion is powerless, and traditional liposuction is contraindicated because of the high risk of complications and the long postoperative period.

Laser lipolysis is used in the following areas of the body and face:

Laser lipolysis is performed in medical centers, at home it is impossible.

The essence of the procedure for laser lipolysis

This method is an artificially induced process of lipolysis - the splitting of fats in the body into their components. This reaction is activated by means of devices that produce laser radiation with a specific wavelength. Typically, the wavelength is about 980 nm.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so it is not accompanied by painful sensations. First, the problem area is marked out. Further, a thin tube with a diameter of 1 mm (cannula) through which the optical fiber passes passes under the skin. Laser energy destroys the membranes of fat cells. Simultaneously, there is a coagulation of blood vessels and capillaries, penetrating fatty tissue, which minimizes the formation of hematomas. And as a result of thermal impact, collagen fibers are consolidated, stimulation of natural production of collagen and elastin. Thus, along with a reduction in the volume of fat accumulation, a lifting effect is created in the treated areas.

The split components of fat are gradually used by the body as a source of energy, absorbed into the blood and released through the liver. Only when removing large accumulations of fat for its removal can be used the vacuum suction method.

The duration of the procedure is from half an hour to two and a half hours, this depends on the area of ​​the treated areas. To correct the figure in most cases, one procedure is enough, but sometimes a second session may be required. Already an hour after the laser lipolysis can be independently returned home. Visible results should be expected in 2-4 weeks, which is due to the natural processes of excretion of split fats.

Cold laser lipolysis

Cold laser lipolysis is carried out using radiation with a wavelength of about 650 nm. At the same time, there is no heating of the treated tissues. During the procedure, a laser biostimulation of adipose tissue is performed using a special lining that is placed on the skin of the problem area. Split fats are also excreted by the liver in a natural way. To get good results, usually a course of 6 to 10 sessions is required.

Laser Face Lipolysis

This procedure is able to significantly rejuvenate the person, eliminating age-related changes, loss of the face oval. Laser lipolysis will help get rid of the double chin, the so-called bryls, hanging cheeks, bags under the eyes. After the procedure, the condition of the skin improves, its tone and elasticity increase, that is, face lifting is carried out. Compared with traditional liposuction, laser face lipolysis is the preferred method.


Laser lipolysis, including cold lipolysis, has a number of contraindications: