Peat tablets for seedlings

Peat tablets are a simple and quick way to grow seedlings of vegetables, berries and houseplants. Initially, in a compressed form, they represent a narrow washer, tightened into a thin natural grid. At the top of each such tablet is a recess for seeding.

Growing seedlings in peat tablets is 100% safe, because they contain only natural ingredients. These tablets are not only peat, but also coconut (with coconut fiber).

How to use peat pills?

It is a mistake to think that in this dry form the tablets are ready for use. They must first be soaked in water. They swell just before your eyes, increasing five times in height. Softened peat or coconut fibers are an ideal medium for the germination of seeds, which receive all the necessary substances and do not suffer from fungal diseases, as happens sometimes in ordinary soil.

How to plant in peat tablets: when the tablets are soaked and increased to the right size, it's time to lay the seeds. Sew them in the grooves at the top, if necessary expanding the holes with a toothpick or a match.

Then we cover the seeds with 1-2 mm of peat and install the tablets in a box for seedlings or in a cassette. And best of all - in the electric propogator (heated box) with a transparent cover. You need to open it for airing for a day. If there are lamps for lighting , you can use them as an additional light source. Periodically, you need to water peat tablets from the pulverizer.

Pikement seedlings when grown in peat tablets are not needed. Simply, when the time comes, we put each tablet with a sprout in a glass or a pot of soil and lightly sprinkle and compact the soil. The absence of the need for a picking greatly increases the number of surviving seedlings and does not interfere with the normal growth of young seedlings.

Peat tablets with their own hands

Because peat pills are not a cheap treat, some are wondering, you can whether they can be made independently. In principle, with a strong desire, everything is possible. In fact, the tablets are pressed peat with microelements, packed in a fine mesh.

If you have sufficient knowledge of how much and what trace elements you need to add to peat, and also there is a press, you can try to make a pill without forgetting the deepening for the seeds in its center. And as a reticulum, you can use a sheath from tea bags.

Of course, self-made peat tablets can not guarantee the effect that store analogues have. But, perhaps you are lucky, and you will invent your unique way of growing seedlings.