Stock Rose - Planting and Care

The stem of a rose is a perennial plant that grows, on average, no less than two years. This plant belongs to the Malvian family, so it is often called a mallow . You can still hear the name of the mallard, which gave this flower in Russia for some similarity to the church porch.

The stem rose is considered to be a sort of giant among the garden flowers, because the stem of this plant can reach a length of two and a half meters. Rose flowers can be the most diverse shades of red, lilac, pink, white, and also yellow. The shape of the flowers is usually funnel-shaped, but it may differ slightly, depending on the variety.

The stem of the rose is a very beautiful plant, which also does not require any special care measures, so the mallow can become an ornament of any site. But let's figure out more details in the wisdom of planting and caring for a rose, so as not to make hasty conclusions.

Rose stem - planting

Malva is a very thermophilic plant, so it is best to plant it on the sun-exposed areas - on them it will blossom more luxuriantly. Dry soil it carries very well, but here in places where there is stagnant water, you can not plant a rose. But in general, despite the fairly good drought resistance of the plant, the soil for planting the rose stem should preferably be loose and moderately moist. If the soil is too dry or too wet, this can lead to the death of the plant.

But when will you plant a rod with a rose? So, the rose stem is grown from seeds that are planted directly into the soil in early spring. The first shoots will appear already on the tenth day after sowing the stem of the rose. These are the first shoots are tender enough and fragile, so they need careful care, especially - weeding and watering. But over time, sprouts, of course, get stronger.

Rose stem - growing

Along with the emergence of the first shoots, the question also appears: how to grow a stock rose? Let's consider, what care is necessary for the beauty-mallow, that it bloomed and grief did not know.

  1. Stakes . If you planted the stem of a rose in a place that is well enough blown, then it is desirable to tie it to the stakes to prevent a breakage of the stem.
  2. Top dressing . If your soils are fertile enough, you can not feed on mallow, but otherwise you have to mulch the soil with compost, and also fertilize the soil once a month with mineral fertilizer.
  3. Watering . As mentioned earlier, the rose stock does not tolerate excessive moisture. Therefore, watering should be very moderate, but it produces it regularly, trying to adhere to the worked out schedule.

As you can see, the trouble with taking care of the rod is really a little bit of a rose.

Stock Rose - Disease

And the last thing to mention, so it's about diseases and pests, the stem of a rose.

The most common disease among roses is rust, which is caused by a fungus. This disease leaves brown stains on the leaves of the plant, withers it. In the fight against rust your faithful companion will be a Bordeaux mixture , which will need to spray the plant. But, in general, the mallow is famous for its resistance to most diseases and pests. So with vigilant care, no diseases of your stock rose will be terrible.

So we made an acquaintance with the rod of a rose - a beautiful plant that will decorate your site, adding bright colors to it. Planting and care of the rose stem - it turned out to be quite simple, so it will be easy to grow such a charm. And the flowers will repay you with their brightness and splendor in full, having pleased you with their beauty.