Diakarb - analogues

Diakarb is intended for short-term, no more than 3-4 days, reception. With longer use, the diuretic and decongestant therapeutic effect stops. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to replace prepapat.

What can replace Diacarb?

The main active ingredient of Diacarb is acetazolamide. In other countries, this drug may occur under such trade names:

All these medicines are synonymous (absolute analogues in composition and therapeutic effect).

If you need to replace Diacarb with another drug, what exactly does it replace, depends on the desired therapeutic effect:

  1. Diuretics. A fairly large group of drugs that accelerate the withdrawal of fluid from the body. Diuretics are effective in swelling of various genesis. Drugs of this group are most often used to replace Diacarb.
  2. Antiglaucoma preparations. There is no effective analogue of Diacarb in tablets. Other inhibitors of carbonic anhydrase are eye drops (Asopt, Trusopt).
  3. Hypotensive, cardiac and other drugs. These drugs are not analogues of Diacarb but are used to treat and stop the symptoms of diseases when it is impossible to use it.

Analogues of Diakarb

The main analogues of Diacarb are various diuretics. Consider drugs, most often used as substitutes, their advantages and disadvantages.

Which is better - Furosemide or Diacarb?

Furosemide refers to potent diuretics, which very quickly remove edema, but cause a severe loss of potassium and have a number of serious side effects. In those diseases in which Diacarb is prescribed, Furosemide is not very effective.

What is better - Veroshpiron or Diakarb?

Veroshpiron (spinolactone) - a drug from the group of potassium-sparing diuretics is sufficiently soft and prolonged exposure. With edema of cardiopulmonary origin, there may be more is effective than Diacarb, and has fewer negative consequences. When glaucoma and epilepsy is ineffective.

Which is better - Dichlothiazide or Diacarb?

Dichlorothiazide is a fairly strong diuretic, it retains its effectiveness in long-term admission, it is effective both in heart failure and in glaucoma, but most of all it removes potassium from the body.

In addition, as a substitute for Diacarb, Aldactone and Diazide can be used. To reduce the loss of potassium with Diacarb it is recommended to take Panangin.