American Highlights

So it turns out that all modern fashion trends originate in America. A striking example is the American highlights. Quite simple in execution and looking very impressive, it quickly caught on the hair of domestic women of fashion. In the article we will describe the main types of American melioration and the technologies for its implementation.

Types and techniques of American highlights

What is melirovanie, for sure knows every representative of the fair sex. The principle of American melioration from the general concept is practically no different. The main feature of it - the use of several shades for coloring individual strands of hair.

To date, experts identify several major subspecies of American melioration:

  1. The very American highlighting, in person. Initially, American meant red marking, which only suited brunettes. To paint this method, different shades of red and orange were selected. Today it is possible to make American melirovanie on dark hair , and it is possible and on light. The use of red shades has ceased to be a prerequisite.
  2. Another variation is the California highlights . In contrast to the red, the Californian staining technique was originally intended only for light hair. The essence of the Californian melioration is to create the effect of neatly burnt hair. Of course, on blondes this effect looks a little more attractive, but correctly chosen shades of paint and on the head of brunettes can create a real masterpiece.
  3. The most eccentric sub-type of the melirovaniya - Crazy Colors. For this technique, the most incredible colors are selected: red, blue, green, pink.

American hair melting technology

While in itself melirovanie - the procedure is fairly simple, American technology requires a special approach. First you need to choose the shades of paint that would be in harmony with the basic color of your hair and not catch your eye. When painting, you need to use a foil of different colors, so that when you wash it, you should avoid mixing colors of different shades.

Alas, it's very difficult to independently qualify for American technology. Therefore, no matter which type of melioration is chosen, American, Californian or crazy, the main thing is to find a good master who could carefully cope with the staining and make sure that the end result does not look vulgar and ridiculous.