How to check if there is damage on a person?

Spoiling is a black ritual that is aimed at harming a person. It can cause a variety of illnesses, troubles at work and in your personal life, and lead to death . That is why it is important to know how to check whether there is a malefice or corruption. There are a few simple and effective rituals that you can do yourself without the help of mages.

How to check if there is damage on a person?

For a simple ritual, you should purchase a conventional church candle, and spend it at sunset. Take the candle in your right hand, light it, read "Our Father" and cross yourself three times. If during this time the flame of the candle is very cracking and waving, then there is still damage.

In the old days, the presence of negative magical influence was determined with the help of a gold ring, which must be carried along the cheek. If, after that, there was a dark trace on the skin, it means that they talked about the presence of spoilage.

How to check for spoilage, is it an egg?

An ancient ritual that allows you to get a truthful answer. For his conduct, take a glass and an egg, which the chicken should carry on the day of the ritual. In a glass, pour the water and gently break the egg into it, so that the yolk is not damaged. Tilt your head, so that your chin touches your chest, and put the glass on your head. Remain in this position for three minutes. To check for the presence of spoilage on your own, consider the content, as it receives information on it:

  1. If the liquid is pure, and the yolk and protein are whole, then there is no damage.
  2. Around the yolk there are protein strands - this is a signal about the presence of slight spoilage, which will affect family relationships.
  3. If the protein filaments have blisters, then the negative impact is serious and the victim is sick.
  4. If the protein and yolk are covered with bubbles and black dots, then damage is induced to death.