Mask for dry hair at home

Dry hair for any girl is a real punishment. Dull, brittle, difficult to comb, they can spoil the mood right from the morning. Fortunately, there are a lot of tools that help to strengthen hair and return it to shine. A huge plus is that all masks for dry hair can be cooked at home. Moreover, the required ingredients do not even have to run to a nearby supermarket - everything you need is already in your kitchen.

How to restore dry hair?

Today in beauty salons, pharmacies and specialized stores, a lot of different products are being sold, created especially for brittle dry hair. All of them, of course, are effective and in most cases really help to achieve the desired result. But you for certain understand, what to find a suitable agent happens very uneasy. And experiments on the hair - a dangerous occupation.

Masks for dry hair, preparing at home, may not look as attractive as a salon. But their effective 100% natural composition compensates for any shortcomings. All masks act gently and do not harm the hair at all. The effect of their use does not come as quickly as in the case of chemistry, but positive changes will be noticeable after the first procedure.

The best folk recipes for masks for dry hair

Prepare a mask for hair with your own hands is actually quite simple. Here are the most popular recipes:

  1. Kefir - one of the most useful for damaged and dry hair means. Masks on its basis are thought up very much. But the most useful is the simplest remedy - a mixture of kefir with curdled milk. Mix these two sour-milk products, gently put on curls and rinse after about a quarter of an hour. If desired, a little olive oil or lemon juice can be added to the mask.
  2. An effective home mask for dry hair is prepared from vegetable oil (preferably olive). Such a remedy will help restore the keratin structure of the hair. To prepare the mask you need five tablespoons of oil, lemon juice. Mix the ingredients carefully and apply to the hair for about thirty minutes. Repeat the procedure is recommended every two weeks.
  3. A good remedy for dry hair is a mask from a tablespoon of vegetable and tea sea buckthorn oil. The resulting mixture lubricates the roots. Over the mask, a hat is put on. After an hour, the mask can be washed off with a normal shampoo.
  4. A very pleasant and useful recipe mask for dry hair with a banana. Grind the flesh of one citrus in the blender. Add one yolk and a couple tablespoons of olive oil to the resulting slurry. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the hair for about half an hour. After applying the mask, it is desirable to wrap it.
  5. Firming remedy for dry hair can be prepared even from the remnants of yogurt. Five tablespoons of sour milk product you will be enough. Stir in egg yogurt and stir it well. This mask is enough to stay on the hair for a quarter of an hour.
  6. To strengthen the tips of dry hair will help mask, cooked according to this recipe: in one container should be mixed on the dining room bed honey and olive oil with 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Dilute the mixture with a little milk.
  7. A mask with onion and garlic juice is an effective strengthening remedy for an amateur. To neutralize the smell, lemon juice is added to the mixture.
  8. The recipe for mustard mask for dry hair is quite popular. The composition of the product includes mayonnaise and olive oil - a tablespoon, as well as mustard powder and butter - a teaspoon. Well mixed ingredients are rubbed into the roots and scalp and keep on the hair for at least half an hour.