Kefir with beets - a recipe for losing weight

There is a large amount of mono-diets that help to get rid of excess weight in an extreme way, but the effect of them lasts a small amount of time. Nutritionists recommend choosing more gentle options, for example, weight loss on yogurt with beets, the recipes of which will be discussed below. In this case, the diet will not be lean, and the body will receive the necessary substances.

Diet kefir with beets - recipe

To use such a diet for more than one day is a very difficult test, so you can simply prepare a kefir-beetroot cocktail and drink it at any time. The daily dose is 1 kg of vegetable and 1.5 liters of kefir.



We boil beets and, cutting into small pieces, combine with yogurt.

Diet on yogurt with beets can be varied soup recipe, which will be discussed below.



Beet and eggs boil and clean. Decoction of beets do not need to be poured, since it is needed for further cooking. Root the root on a large grater with cucumbers. Take a container, put vegetables in it, pour kefir and beet broth, the amount of which depends on the desired density of the soup. In the end, squeeze out the lemon juice, add salt and decorate with eggs and greens.

Results of the diet

Studies have shown that this diet will help to easily get rid of several kilos that prevent you from wearing your favorite dress before the holiday. It is also called unloading, because they use a maximum of 3 consecutive days. An additional bonus will be cleansing the body and saturating the intestines with probiotics, which are contained in kefir . For longer use, this method of weight loss is not suitable.


Beets in large quantities are contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, kidney failure, and also it is impossible to use such a diet for diabetics and allergic people.