Vegetable stew with zucchini and meat

If you have prepared zucchini for the winter in a frozen form, then this is a wonderful occasion to enjoy the warming meat stew in bad weather. A hearty dish is prepared simply simple and always turns surprisingly fragrant.

Recipe for vegetable stew with meat and zucchini



Preheat a little oil in the brazier and use it to roast the minced meat until it turns brown. To golden pieces of meat, add finely chopped onions and wait until it becomes clear. Add the ingredients in the brazier with cubes of sweet pepper, zucchini and chili, season with sea salt and leave to fry for 10 minutes. At the end of time, it is the turn of tomatoes and spices - paprika with tarragon, and after 5 minutes the contents of the brazier can be poured with tomato sauce. Cover the vegetable stew with zucchini and meat and simmer for a minimum of half an hour.

Vegetable stew with meat, potatoes and courgettes



In the brazier, heat olive oil and save onions on it. After reducing the heat to medium, caramelize onion slices for 7-10 minutes, then add minced meat and leave the meat to brown. Season the beef, add the beans, tomatoes and chicken broth. Stew the contents of the brazier for 40 minutes, then put the zucchini and leave the dish on fire for another 15 minutes.

Vegetable stew with meat, zucchini and eggplant



Spasserovav bow on olive oil, add to it minced meat and wait for him to grab. Add spices and garlic to the meat, put the legumes and fill everything with tomatoes and broth. Next we send diced peppers and zucchini. Stew the dish on minimum fire for about half an hour, and then serve hot with a slice of bread.