Marigolds - varieties

Marigolds are perennial or annual plants, which are remembered by the rather bright color of flowers and rich color range: various shades of orange, yellow, red-brick or reddish-brown. This is the inflorescence of a basket with quite diverse petals, terry or simple, and a characteristic specific odor. The advantage of marigolds is the unpretentiousness in the care and the duration of flowering - from the beginning of summer and to frost . That is why they are so loved by many gardeners. Varieties of marigolds are also diverse.

The main varieties of marigolds

In general, there are many varieties of marigolds (about 30 species). However, depending on the shape of the inflorescence, color and height of the bush, they are divided into groups. The most popular of them are upright (African), thin-leaved (Mexican) and rejected (French). In addition, the marigolds differ in the shape of the inflorescence: carnation-shaped with reed flowers (Smiles, Hawaiian, Frilles) and chrysanthemum with tubular flowers (Mandarin, Golden Fluffy, Glitters).

Marigolds - upright varieties

So-called upright varieties differ in plant height of about 1 m and above. But this is not necessary - there are also varieties of small dwarfs, shrubs which reach 40-60 cm in height, for example, Discovery Yellow, Sumo, Gold F1 and others. In addition, such marigolds have a back-pyramidal shape of the bush and inflorescences of 6-12 cm in size.

Among the best varieties of marigolds upright can be identified Gold Dollar. The height of the bush is up to 130 cm, red-orange large inflorescences reach 8 cm in diameter. Vanilla variety is very exquisite, it is distinguished by lush pale yellow buds and shrub height up to 120 cm. Among the interesting upright marigolds one should also name such varieties as Beatles White Moon, Moonlight, Kalando Orange.

Marigolds - thin leaved varieties

If we talk about thin-leaved marigolds, they stand out with thick shallow foliage and a large number of non-growing inflorescences of small size. Buds are usually orange or yellow in color. A distinctive feature of thin-leaved marigolds is compactness and short stature (up to 40-50 cm). Among them, for example, Kilimanjaro, attracting unusual white and vanilla color terry flowers of medium size (about 6 cm). By the way, white varieties of marigolds are a rarity, but because they are appreciated by true flower lovers. Marigolds Eskimo also with white flowers, but the height of the bush reaches 35 cm. There are also dwarf varieties of marigolds. The Lemon Gem is also distinguished by the height of the bush to 20 cm with yellow buds and Starfire with dark orange buds, barely reaching 15 cm in height.

Marigolds - rejected varieties

This type of marigold is distinguished by a good branching of bushes and abundant flowering - often up to 100 inflorescences 3-5 cm in diameter on one plant. The height of the rejected varieties is small - from 25 to 40 cm. There are varieties of dwarfish - 15-20 cm. The color of the inflorescences is quite diverse, not only monophonic, but also combined. An example is the Gold Boll variety, the buds are colored golden yellow and reddish-brown. Marigolds Harlequin pleases with contrasting strips of burgundy-brown and yellow flowers. Unique low Tiger Eyes with terry red with orange center inflorescence.

In general, in recent years in the modern selection of marigolds, two main trends have emerged. The majority of new varieties of marigolds have dwarf height (10-25 cm), as they are convenient for growing in seedlings in miniature pots. But there are dwarf varieties and a disadvantage - with prolonged wet weather, their inflorescences and roots rot. In addition, they are short-lived. As a consequence, the second trend is the cultivation of hybrids up to 55 cm high, which, although they bloom later, are more viable.