May nettles - useful properties

Many people consider Nettles a common weed and are annoyed when the plant grows in the cottage area. In fact, the useful properties of May Nettles can not be overemphasized. The list of diseases in which this unusual plant is recommended is very impressive. As a raw material for the preparation of medicinal preparations, grass, seeds and roots of nettle are used. In the therapy of various diseases phytonostasis and decoctions, extract from nettles, powder from ground seeds are used. Even nettle brooms have a healing effect!

Therapeutic properties of May nettles and contraindications for use

May nettle is the most useful, because of that the stems and leaves of the young plant are not yet rough, and there was no seeding. Nettle contains:

It is in May nettles that the chlorophyll content is maximized, and this vegetable matter has a tonic effect on the human body. In addition, the use of a useful plant produces the following effect:

In folk medicine, nettle is used to treat a variety of diseases, including:

Experts confirm that the useful properties of May Nettle can be used in oncology, especially at the initial stages of the disease. Nettle is also used to restore the body after treatment with chemical preparations. May nettle removes inflammation, eliminates edema, strengthens metabolic processes, provides the body with a complex of vitamins and other useful substances.

Useful properties of May Nettles are used to maintain the beauty of hair, face and body. So, with dandruff, it is recommended to rub the fresh juice of the plant into the scalp, to strengthen the roots of the hair - to use the nettle infusion in which the burdock is diluted, to cleanse the skin and eliminate acne - to wipe the face with pieces of frozen nettle broth.

Like any medicinal plant, May nettle, along with useful properties, has some contraindications. It is not necessary to apply funds based on nettle in such diseases and conditions as:

Procurement of May Nettles

In order to preserve all the useful properties of a medicinal plant, it is important to properly prepare it and provide optimal conditions for storage. May is the best time for harvesting. The stems of nettle are cut with the leaves, unfolded on clean paper (not on newspapers!) in one layer and dried in a dry place inaccessible to direct sunlight. The resulting raw materials are ground in order to be more compactly stored. Paper bags with dried nettle are kept in a dark place for a year.

Another method of storage is suitable for those who have additional storage facilities: a veranda, an attic, a dry cellar. In this case, the cut stems of the nettle are tied in a bundle and suspended with the root part upwards.

Plant seeds are best preserved in a glass or ceramic container under a tight lid.