Cedar nuts - useful properties and contraindications that you did not know about

Pine nuts, useful properties and contraindications of which medicine has studied quite well, are the seeds of several species of plants belonging to the genus Sosny. Small grains of pale yellow color are pleasant to the taste and have a beneficial effect on the condition of different systems and organs. You can eat them fresh, toasted, as a part of infusions, infusions and broths.

Cedar nut - useful properties

Initially, the seeds of cedar were used in cooking, but over time cedar nuts - useful properties and contra-indications of them - attracted the attention of physicians and traditional healers. Applications have found different parts of them - kernels, shells, cake. Seeds in large quantities contain protein. This substance in them even more than in chicken, and it is very well balanced - the body absorbs it almost completely. In addition, the seeds contain many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

What are the benefits of pine nuts? Pharmacists prepare from them drugs that help in the fight against anemia, coronary heart disease and vascular disease, allergies. With the help of seeds, it is possible to normalize all metabolic processes. Alternative medicine uses a product for the treatment of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney stones, colds, beriberi. Pine nuts are good for the liver. Regular use of nuclei will increase visual acuity and strengthen immunity.

The Benefits of Pine Nuts for Women

The product helps to cope with irritability and insomnia. Pine nuts, useful properties and contraindications to them, are able to heal the body from the inside and maintain the natural feminine beauty. Seed oil is used for varicose, eczema, psoriasis, boils. Decoction based on the product is useful in menopause - eliminates most of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany this period - and profuse menstruation.

Cedar nuts for pregnant women are useful. Many doctors recommend it to their future mothers. Seeds have a unique composition, due to which they contribute to active and healthy growth and development of the fetus. The proteins contained in pine nuts and the human body are very similar in composition. Due to this, the product is well absorbed even by the kids.

Pine nuts for men

Favorably affect the seeds and the representatives of the stronger sex. The benefits of pine nuts for the body of men is a beneficial effect on potency. This is due to the presence of zinc, vitamins - A, E - and arginine - a substance responsible for the normal work of the genitourinary system and maintaining an erection. Among other things, pine nuts, whose useful properties and contraindications are recognized in the world, purify the body of the so-called bad cholesterol and improve brain function.

Pine nuts for children

During the period of active growth, the children's organism especially needs tin and arginine. These components in products are not so common. But in seeds of cedar they are present and in considerable quantity. For what else are cedar nuts useful for children? The list of advantages is impressive. They:

Many mothers do not even undertake to study which pine nuts are useful and contraindicated. All because of the forums. They often find information that any nuts are allergens, but this is not entirely true. Many products do cause a reaction, but cedar are hypoallergenic. Problems can begin only with the individual intolerance of these nuts, but this is unlikely.

To avoid negative consequences, the seeds of cedar should not be given to babies. It is best to begin to "nourish" the nuts of children 3 to 4 years. The first portion should be small (2 - 4 g). After a few days it is advisable to wait - to check the reaction of the body. If there are no problems, preschool nuts can be given in portions up to 20 g not more than twice a week. Older cedar seeds are allowed to eat up to 40 - 50 grams per day.

Harm of pine nuts

The benefits of seeds are obvious, but we must not forget that they contain a large amount of oil. In addition, they are high-calorie, because eating them is not recommended. This can cause digestive problems. Pine nuts also have contraindications for those people who suffer:

It is not recommended to buy chipped pine nuts on the market. In this form, under the influence of light and oxygen, the product quickly loses its healing properties and becomes rancid. The use of "spoiled" seeds can trigger the appearance of symptoms observed during intoxication or poisoning . Sometimes a bitter taste from them in the mouth does not pass for several days.

How to use pine nuts?

Ways of using this product are many. To use useful properties, pine nuts do not even need to be added to some kind of medicinal product. They can just be used as a seasoning. Dishes - especially salads - with the addition of cedar seeds acquire piquant and refined taste, and how many nutrients they add.

Core of pine nuts

They can be eaten without any additives. If you regularly eat peeled pine nuts, you will noticeably improve your health, and some healers claim that this product can even heal from cancer. Those who do not want to have the whole nucleus, can grind them with a mortar and mix with honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Use this medicine should be on a tablespoon three times a day before meals. The average course of treatment, as a rule, is a month.

Pine nut shell

It has long been recognized as very valuable. The food industry from shells prepares syrups and liqueurs. Medicine uses the healing properties of pine nuts to make ointments, creams, tinctures. The secret of success - contained in the substance - tannins. These are antiseptics that provide anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action of the shell.

Unconventional medicine in most cases uses an aqueous infusion of pine nuts. It takes no more than a night to prepare it. Clear proportions do not exist, as a rule, the preparation is prepared based on 2-3 tablespoons of shells per glass of water. Apply this infusion can be with anemia, leukemia, periodontitis, uterine bleeding and many other problems.

Cedar nut oil

It is extracted from the nuclei and is perfectly absorbed by the body. Traditional medicine has managed to apply it to treat various ailments. Oil does not cause allergies and has no contraindications. With caution take it only to future mothers. Pine nuts for immunity are excellent. They have a restorative effect, help fight fatigue and increase efficiency.

Cedar oil can also be used for prevention. Often it is prescribed for psoriasis , eczema, avitaminosis, acute respiratory infections , influenza. The way the drug is used depends on the patient's health, the disease, and its complexity. Skin problems can be solved locally. If you need to take the oil inside, you need to drink it on the tea spoon 2-3 times a day for 5 days. After this, you can make a 10-day break and then continue the treatment.

Tincture on pine nuts

Tincture of pine nuts on vodka is prepared for a long time. You can begin treatment not earlier than one week after the shells are filled with alcohol (ideally even after 3-4 weeks). Before use, the tincture must be filtered. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment varies depending on the problem that pine nuts have to deal with. In most cases, the remedy is recommended to drink on a tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals.