How many calories are in honey?

Surely, many of you can admire the delicate trickle of this golden delicacy, when you fill the spoon and breathe in the aroma of the freshest honey.

The most natural of all sweets, the most active of all medicines, the best of cosmetic products - all this is honey. The purest product, the useful and medicinal properties of which have been known since ancient times.

And here, as they say, you will find a delicacy to your taste and color. Buckwheat, linden and maple, acacia and volcanic and many others. Choose your liking.

Than honey is useful?

Honey is a storehouse of a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Here we meet with folic and pantothenic acids, vitamins of group B, vitamins C and K, carotene. Also, honey is rich in calcium, iodine and iron, so necessary for our body, promotes the release of bile, which leads to the utilization of fat reserves, is a mild laxative, increases stress resistance and improves mood, improves digestion and is well absorbed.

The calorie content of honey (in 100 g about 315 kcal) is mainly carbohydrates, which are represented by fructose, sugar and glucose. So even this useful and natural product will have to be somewhat limited in use. In 1 teaspoon of honey contains about 30 kcal, while a spoonful of sugar contains about 20. But due to the rich taste, you will manage only 1-2 spoons of goodies, so it is better to choose honey than sugar.

Nutritionists recommend losing weight include in your diet is honey. It is easily digested, cheers up and nourishes the brain. Despite its high caloric content, it contains substances that help fight extra pounds. It is better if you use honey with water or milk, because it is easier to digest. And remember, with a diet, you can eat honey and it's much better than a cake, sweets, chocolate and sodas.

Drinks with honey for weight loss

To date, drinks with honey for weight loss have become popular. For example, before going to bed and several hours before eating, it is recommended to drink a drink made of water, honey and lemon. One of the popular diet drinks is called Hydromel. You will need 100 g of honey, 1 lemon and 1 liter of boiled water, preferably if it is warm. The drink clears the vessels and the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins, strengthens the immune system and increases tone, and is also a quick remedy for spleen.

Relatively recently, cinnamon and honey were used. Such a drink well restores the body after exercise and reduces appetite. In a glass of hot water, add a teaspoon of cinnamon, leave to infuse for several hours. Before use, add a teaspoon of honey and, drink for weight loss is ready. To drink it is recommended immediately after awakening on an empty stomach half a glass and for half an hour before sleeping its second part. By the way, cinnamon helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, speeds up metabolism and removes toxins from the body.

And at last we will give some useful advice. Honey is the strongest allergen, therefore it is contraindicated in people with allergies and breastfeeding mothers. Try to buy honey from beekeepers or on apiaries, to exclude the possibility of stumbling upon a fake. Do not store the treat too long, after a year it loses its useful properties.