Heather - medicinal properties and contraindications

About medicinal properties and contraindications of evergreen heather folk medicine has known for a very long time. Something useful is in every part of the plant. All of them are used for the preparation of medicinal products that help with various diseases.

Healing properties of heather

The composition of the underground and aboveground parts of the heather contains:

They provide the main healing properties of heather:

The healing properties make heather grass a very effective blood cleanser. Medicines based on plants help in the treatment of rheumatism and gout. They are often used to dissolve stones in the bladder and fight the diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Proven means - heath baths. To accept them is recommended to people suffering from various dermatological problems - rash, eczema, dermatitis. They cleanse the skin and make it softer. If desired, infusion or decoction can be used as a basis for lotions and compresses for injuries and mechanical damages.

Hairdressers also found a way to benefit from this evergreen plant. Decoctions on its basis are used instead of a conditioner. After using them, the head of hearing becomes strong and obedient, and the scalp is healthy.

The healing properties of heather tea help to get rid of manifestations of such unpleasant diseases as tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral infection, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. The drink is pleasant enough to taste. But the main thing is that he activates his own defenses of the organism, and recovery comes much faster.

Quite often, drops are made from heather, which can be used to combat:

Contraindications to the use of heather

Along with the healing properties of heather grass, there are contraindications. Means based on a plant is undesirable to use for patients suffering from a stomach disease with a decreased secretion.

Of course, it is necessary to refuse therapy also for those who have individual intolerance to the components of heather.