Measures to combat moles in the garden

Sometimes these obscene animals, tearing up the ground, eating root crops and roots of cultivated plants become a real obsession in the garden area. In this article, we'll talk about methods of combating moles in the garden.

Fighting moles at the site

So, there are several methods, and the most common ones are traps, scarers, nets and granulated preparations with essential oils and extracts from various plants. But first things first.

So, the measures to combat moles in the garden area can be purely mechanical. It's about traps and grids.

Traps-crooks work by the principle of mousetrap . They allow you to catch moles in burrows. Install them in the molehills you need to manually and periodically check to see if they worked or not. If the mole is caught, you need to take out the molehill, take the dead mole, then repeat the installation.

This method works only where there are already crotch burrows. And there is no guarantee that another mole will again come to the same place close enough. Therefore, the effectiveness of the method is not particularly high. In addition, this practice leads to spoilage of the lawn and the appearance of a specific smell, if the mole caught was not removed immediately.

Another way to protect the lawn is to install a grid from moles. It spreads on the prepared ground directly under the lawn. Moles physically can not lift the earth from under such a grid and come out on the surface, because in due course they leave the sites protected by a grid.

And another method for local control of moles is the use of a granulated drug with lavender extract and essential oils. The minus of this method is expensive, in addition, you have to dig through the entire site to evenly apply the drug, the effect of which will dry up after three months. In a word, the method is rather controversial.

Effective way to combat moles

The modern way to combat moles is the use of vibroseismic scarers. These devices produce variable sounds that propagate inside the soil. These sounds scare the moles, and they leave the parcels whole families.

This method is simple and safe, besides it is reliable and will cost inexpensively. For example, at a holiday site of six hundred hectares you will need to install three offenders, since the radius of one is 17 meters. Accordingly, for a larger area, more devices with more powerful action will be needed.

The use of vibroseis repellers is effective even in winter. And once you buy these devices, you will forever get rid of the worries associated with fighting moles.

Folk methods of combating moles in the garden

It must be said that most modern methods are based on folk methods, which, in turn, are based on scaring off moles and sounds.

So, homemade mole scarers are bottles dug up on the site with an open neck. Because of the wind, they create a buzzing sound and microvibration in the soil, which frightens moles like vibroseismic repellers.

The most common in the people is the scaring off of moles by smells. At the same time, people use a wide variety of solutions, oils, plants, etc.: kerosene, naphthalene, mazut, tosol, wormwood, peppermint , vinegar, cigarette butts, rotten eggs, bleach, head of herrings, snuff.

It must be said that all these methods and means require considerable patience and methodicity, since they do not act immediately, while irritating with smells not only of moles, but also of people. In addition, after stopping their use, there is a high probability that moles will return to your site again.