Preparations for the dilution of blood

Preparations for the dilution of blood help to remove the threat of most cardiovascular diseases caused by thrombosis and thinning of the walls of blood vessels, as well as cholesterol plaques. In addition, the overall well-being of a person improves - when blood circulates freely throughout the body, all internal organs work better, many systemic diseases recede, immunity strengthens, brain and muscle activity increases.

What are the drugs for blood thinning

Before starting treatment, you need to understand the reasons why you needed to influence the density of blood. Sometimes it is enough to only slightly increase the amount of fluid consumed to feel better. Especially it concerns the hot season and people with high physical stress. It should be understood that drugs for liquefaction of blood with thrombophlebitis and drugs for liquefaction of blood in hypertension not only have a different pattern of action, but also vary significantly in the effect. There are two main groups of drugs that dilute blood:

  1. Medicines-anticoagulants. This category of drugs prevents excessive blood clotting. They are prescribed for occlusion of vessels, hypertension, increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Such drugs are good for dilution of blood in varicose veins. The action in this case is based on their ability to instantly reduce the viscosity of the blood.
  2. Medicines-antiplatelet agents. With the help of antiplatelet agents, one can quickly and effectively cope with thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other diseases caused by impaired platelet production. These pharmacological agents do not allow platelets to stick together, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.

Medicinal products for blood thinning - list

Among the most popular anticoagulants are such drugs:

There are drugs of direct and indirect action, which differ in the speed of the effect. At the same time, anticoagulants of direct action have quite a lot of contraindications and side effects. Use them without consulting a doctor is unsafe.

Among drugs-antiplatelet agents most of the funds on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid. This is all known Aspirin, and Aspekard, and other drugs:

The disadvantages of these drugs can be attributed to the fact that they can not be taken during pregnancy, with severe bleeding, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. In addition, acetylsalicylic acid irritates the mucous membranes of internal organs and can provoke their erosion. When an overdose is high, the likelihood of developing toxic manifestations and allergic reactions. The maximum daily dose of acetylsalicylic acid and drugs based on it is 150 mg per day. That's why many patients prefer to use drugs to dilute blood without aspirin. These include almost all of the listed anticoagulants, as well as some antiaggregants:

The effect of these drugs is associated with a moderate expansion of the vessels, which will be useful for patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis and cholesterol plaques .

Do not forget that you can use folk remedies to dilute blood. First of all, it is a broth of wild rose and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices. Especially good are the juices of citrus - oranges, lemons, grapefruit.