Pityriasis - causes and best treatment of sun fungus

Such a disease as pitybearing, lichen has a fungal breed. Another name for this ailment is colorful lichen. When examining a fungus under a microscope, the name of the pathology becomes clear, because it is located in the form of grape clusters, but the species has curved and long filaments.

What is pityriasis?

Multicolored lichen attacks the horny layer of the epidermis, manifests itself in the form of spots of different colors and is popularly called "sun fungus". The prevalence of the disease, for example, in Russia is no more than 5-7%. This disease is treatable well, but there are some issues that require detailed consideration in order to fully understand the nature of the onset of this illness.

Pityriasis is a causative agent

The natural question is, where can the otaroid lichen arise from a person and what is his pathogen. Pityriasis (multicolored) lichen appears due to the presence in the body of its causative agent, yeast fungus Pityrosporum Orbiculare or otherwise Malassezia Furfur. This fungus affects more young people aged 14 to 40 years and more often in men. In childhood, up to seven years, it practically does not occur.

Is contagious shingles contagious?

For those who are faced with this ailment in the first, the question, pityriasis lichen infectious or not, is not groundless, because in contact with sick people, often there is the possibility of undesirable infection. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because the specialists were divided into two camps.

  1. The first argue that this ailment is not contagious, because the reasons for its occurrence lie in the malfunctioning of the systems and organs of a person suffering from color deprivation.
  2. The second argue that pityriasis is contagious, but when infected it does not appear to everyone.

What is dangerous otreichidny deprive?

Disease pityriasis multicolored lichen is not dangerous to human health, but this does not mean that the disease can be allowed to go by its own way and timely access to a specialist will help get rid of it more quickly. With this disease, spots appear on the body that leave traces after the cure, but this process is reversible and the upper layer of the epidermis regenerates with time.

Pityriasis - causes of appearance

Speaking in general about the disease of the otreichidae of the cause, the reasons should be considered in more detail. Age, which is more often ill with multi-colored lichen from 10 to 65 years. The main reasons, experts say, are not only direct infection with the fungus, but also the presence of favorable conditions that can significantly increase its aggressive effect on the body.

  1. The increased fat content of the skin, the violation of physiological processes in the stratum corneums of the epidermis.
  2. Period of gestation and menopause .
  3. Hereditary predisposition, to various dermatomycosis .
  4. Increased sweating, which leads to a change in the chemical composition of sweat and thereby contributes to the development and reproduction of the fungus.
  5. Reducing the body's defenses in diseases such as caries, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis and chronic tonsillitis .
  6. The presence of a number of diseases: diabetes mellitus, vegetoneurosis, gastrointestinal problems, respiratory system diseases, kidney and adrenal glands, hormonal balance disorders.

Pityriasis in man - symptoms

In order to diagnose the disease, you need to know how the otririform lichen and its main symptoms look.

  1. The main places on the body where you can see spots of colored lichen are the back and chest, less often on the shoulders and neck.
  2. Spots of lichen can be of different colors: yellow, brown pink. From sunburn they brighten, and on a light skin darken.

Pityriasis - treatment

Multicolored lichen, the treatment of which will be described below, does not apply to dangerous and serious ailments, but it should be consulted immediately after the symptoms are detected. It is necessary to not only receive recommendations for the treatment of the disease, but also to find out the cause of its occurrence in time in order to avoid relapses in the future. In addition, it is possible that the pityriasis will help to identify the presence of other health problems, which the patient had not previously guessed.

Ointment from pityrious lichen

Applying to a specialist who will help you choose the right ointment from a multicolored lichen, it is not superfluous to find information on the most effective options offered by modern pharmacists that will help both cure pityriasis and avoid its relapse:

Tablets from pityriasis lichen

Knowing how to properly and how to cure pityriasis, you can significantly speed up the recovery time, having rid yourself of unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is not to engage in self-medication and fully comply with the prescribing doctor's instructions. Pityriasis requires complex therapy, implying simultaneous administration of different drugs. Among the most popular and effective tablets are the following:

Pityriasis lichen - treatment with folk remedies

Many people are interested in the question of how to treat a multicolored lichen with the help of methods and means of alternative medicine. Among the great variety of folk remedies are effective and safe. However, before using any remedy, consult a specialist and approve it. Self-medication can be unsafe, so it is not necessary to be treated without permission, even with the help of folk methods, at first sight harmless. Among the popular and effective recipes we have chosen the most affordable and easy to use.

Ointment from dry St. John's wort


Preparation and use

  1. St. John's wort to powder and mix with petroleum jelly.
  2. Daily apply to affected areas for 40 minutes.

Ointment from St. John's wort and birch tar


Preparation and use

  1. Grass to break to a mushy state and add the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Use daily, applying for 49 minutes in the form of compresses on the affected skin.

Ointment from medicinal herbs


Preparation and use

  1. Burdock root of hop cones and marigold flowers mix, pour a glass of water and simmer for about half an hour.
  2. The broth should be allowed to cool, drain, add to it the licorice root and Vaseline.
  3. Mix everything up to the maximum homogeneous consistency.
  4. Make from the means of compresses twice a day for 40 minutes.

Other folk methods can be used along with the suggested ointment recipes:

  1. St. John's Wort. Infusion of this herb wipe damaged skin. Two tablespoons pour boiling water and insist half an hour.
  2. Sorrel. A mixture of seeds and roots is poured into a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand. Infusibly lubricate the skin or use it in the form of compresses, which keep from half an hour to an hour.
  3. Celandine. Prepare the broth (2 items of a spoonful of grass for a glass of boiling water), which treat the diseased skin areas.
  4. Hellebore. Prepare a strong decoction or use pharmacy chinese water, which wipe the sick places for two weeks.
  5. Peppermint. A spoonful of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and held for 15 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, the broth is filtered and greased repeatedly damaged areas before cooling.

Pityriasis - prevention

Multicolored lichen in humans - a disease, though not dangerous, but unpleasant and it would be better to know about preventive measures that will help to avoid it.

  1. For those who previously suffered this disease, it is recommended to treat the skin and hair with a shampoo containing ketoconazole in order to prevent relapse for the purpose of prevention.
  2. In the presence of a disease, it is recommended to disinfect bed and underwear by boiling and then thoroughly ironing.