Milk thistle - medicinal properties

Modest plant - milk thistle (milk thistle) has a powerful healing power. The therapeutic properties of milk thistle have been known since ancient times. And only in the last century, scientists have substantiated them, finding in the plant more than a hundred useful for the body of trace elements and vitamins.

Plant composition

The structure of milk thistle includes:

Than the milk thistle is useful?

Thanks to the presence of a mass of useful components, the healing properties of milk thistle are diverse:

Uniqueness of milk thistle is that its drugs provide survival for poisoning pale toadstool, when the likelihood of a lethal outcome is high.

Milk thistle is used in the form of oils, broths, tinctures, syrup, tablets, powder and meal. At the same time the duration of the course of admission is one - one and a half months. For preventive purposes, drugs are taken twice a year - in the spring and late autumn. Especially recommended intake of milk thistle to residents of ecologically disadvantaged areas.

Milk Thistle

The undoubted advantage of milk thistle is that it effectively helps those who want to lose weight. But the effect of the medicinal plant on the person's weight is indirect. It is well known that toxins that contribute to the accumulation of excess kilograms are collected in the liver. Milk throat, cleaning the slagged body, helps to reduce weight. In order to prepare a decoction:

  1. A seed of milk thistle (30 g) is powdered.
  2. Pour two glasses of water.
  3. Boil on low heat until the volume of liquid is reduced by half.

A medicinal decoction that is constant for 15 minutes is recommended to take hourly on a tablespoon or to drink 5 to 6 gulps before meals.

Milk Thistle in Cosmetology

Oil of milk thistle is the basic component of tonic, regenerating, cleansing and rejuvenating cosmetics. The substance is used in the manufacture of creams, tonics, balms for the skin and hair.

Milk throat - good or bad?

Milk Thistle - a natural herbal product, not addictive. All forms of the drug are effective with proper preparation and regular application. There is no contraindication to the external or internal reception of milk thistle.