Computer tomography of the sinuses of the nose

Computer tomography of the sinuses of the nose - the procedure is not the most common, but sometimes just necessary. CT allows a detailed study of the condition of the paranasal sinuses and hatching anastomoses.

Indications for CT of the paranasal sinuses

Computer tomography is a modern method of examination. In the case of paranasal sinuses, he is assigned to determine:

Tomography allows you to get a three-dimensional image, on which the specialist will be able to view even the most insignificant and inconspicuous changes.

A computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses is prescribed for such problems and suspicions:

Some specialists refer patients to the CT of the sinuses of the nose before surgery.

Advantages of CT of the paranasal sinuses

Computer tomography is the guarantor of accuracy. This examination allows one hundred percent confidence to diagnose and objectively assess the condition of the sinuses.

Below are just a few of the main advantages of CT of the nose and paranasal sinuses:

  1. The main advantage of the method is the very high quality of the image obtained from the tomograph.
  2. Sinus scans pass very quickly.
  3. The examination does not require any preliminary preparation.
  4. During CT scan of the sinuses of the nose, the patient is practically not exposed to radiation.
  5. CT scan, in contrast to other methods of research, can simultaneously assess the state of bones, soft tissues and blood vessels.
  6. The procedure is completely painless.

If necessary, tomography with contrast can be used to obtain more information.

To the procedure was successful, and the results were as accurate as possible, all metal objects should be removed before the examination. It is highly desirable that the patient, while in the tomograph, does not move. Although the device is considered less sensitive to movements (in comparison with radiology equipment, so accurately), testing it for strength is not in the patient's best interest.