Vitamin E for facial skin

Tocopherol, better known as vitamin E, is one of the most useful vitamins for the skin. It promotes rapid regeneration and renewal of cells, which is why it was called "tocopherol", which translates as "contributing to birth." And for the healing effect on the skin of vitamin E, it is rightly called the vitamin of youth and beauty.

Tocopherol has become an indispensable assistant in the fight against aging due to the following qualities:

Leading cosmetics companies have not overlooked the beneficial effect on the skin of vitamin E. Most rejuvenating cosmetic products and care products for problem and aging skin contain tocopherol. With external use, vitamin E does not penetrate deep layers of the skin, which significantly reduces its effectiveness. The invention of nanocapsules solved this problem. Tocopherol in nanocapsules penetrates deep into the skin, and has a strong rejuvenating effect. to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin E for the face skin at home is more difficult, but thanks to simple recipes you can also get a good result.

Ways of using tocopherol for skin care

First of all, take care of enough tocopherol in the daily diet. The greatest amount of vitamin E is found in fatty varieties of sea fish, liver, eggs, nuts (especially almonds), legumes, sprouted wheat, cherry, Brussels sprouts, milk, vegetable oil, avocado.

For external use, an oily solution of tocopherol is used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Liquid vitamin E for facial skin is used as a component of various cosmetics. To saturate the skin with tocopherol, preserve youth and beauty, the following recipes of home cosmetics will be useful.

Rubbing directly vitamin E into the skin of the face

The easiest way to apply vitamin E is to rub it into your face, using a mixture of different oils, or by adding tocopherol in the cream. For dry and fading skin, you can mix a solution of vitamin E with rose oil, which increases the production of collagen, as well as with olive or almond oil. It is useful to rub vitamin E into the skin during autumn and spring avitaminosis, as well as in the summer, to protect against ultraviolet light. For the skin around the eyes, you can prepare a mixture of 10 ml of a solution of vitamin E and 50 ml of olive oil. The mixture should be applied in the evening, driving into the skin with the pads of the fingers on the massage lines. Remains of the mixture must be removed with a soft cloth.

Cream with vitamin E

Prepared in the home, the cream contains no preservatives, so it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. To make it, you should insist in boiling water a tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers, extract the infusion. 2 tbsp. l. infuse with 0.5 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. castor and 1 tsp. camphor oil. Add 10-20 drops of tocopherol solution, carefully grind and cool.

Masks with vitamin E

Anti-Aging Mask

Melt on a water bath 1 tbsp. cocoa butter, and in equal parts mixed with a solution of vitamin E and sea-buckthorn oil. Apply a thick layer on the eyelid area, using parchment to fix from the outer corners of the eyes. Apply 2 hours before bedtime, no more than three times a week, for 15 minutes, after which the rest of the mask should be thoroughly soaked with a tissue.

Cottage cheese mask

Suitable for dry skin. Mix 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese, 2 tsp. olive oil and 5 drops of vitamin E, the resulting mass is applied to the face, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Nourishing Mask

Mix 5 drops of aloe juice, 5 drops of tocopherol solution, 10 drops of vitamin A and 1 teaspoon of cream corresponding to the skin type. The mask should be applied for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Regular application of tocopherol will make the skin more elastic, healthy, slow down the aging process, and also for a long time will keep the freshness and firmness of your skin.