Mononucleosis in children - symptoms and treatment before full recovery of the baby

The Epstein-Barr virus provokes several infectious pathologies with acute course and specific signs. One of them is Filatov's disease or mononucleosis, which is diagnosed mainly in children from 3 years old. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are thoroughly studied, therefore it is easy to cope with it without complications.

Mononucleosis in children - what is this disease?

The considered pathology is an acute viral infection attacking immunity through inflammation of lymphoid tissues. Mononucleosis in children affects several groups of organs:

How is mononucleosis transmitted in children?

The main way of spreading the disease is considered to be airborne. Close contact with an infected person is another frequent option, as mononucleosis is transmitted, which is why it is sometimes called "kissing disease". The virus remains viable in the external environment, you can get infected through common objects:

The incubation period of mononucleosis in children

Pathology is not very contagious, epidemics practically do not happen. After infection, infectious mononucleosis in children does not appear immediately. The duration of the incubation period depends on the degree of activity of immunity. If the protective system is weakened, it is about 5 days. Strong organism imperceptibly fights against the virus up to 2 months. The intensity of immunity affects how mononucleosis occurs in children - symptoms and treatment are much easier when the protective system is strong. The average duration of the incubation period is within 7-20 days.

Mononucleosis - how infectious is a child?

The causative agent of Filatov's disease is built into some cells of the body forever and periodically activated. Viral mononucleosis in infants is contagious for 4-5 weeks from the time of infection, but it poses a danger to others. Under the influence of any external factors weakening immunity, the pathogenic cells again begin to multiply and stand out with saliva, even if the child is outwardly healthy. This is not a serious problem, carriers of the Epstein-Barr virus - about 98% of the world's population.

What is the danger of mononucleosis in children?

Negative consequences arise in exceptional cases, only with a weakened organism or the attachment of a secondary infection. Mainly easy mononucleosis in children - symptoms and treatment, detected and started in a timely manner, help prevent any complications. Recovery is accompanied by the formation of persistent immunity, due to which re-infection either does not occur, or is transferred imperceptibly.

Rare consequences of mononucleosis in children:

Mononucleosis in children - causes

The causative agent of Filatov's disease is an infection belonging to the herpes family. Epstein-Barr virus in children is often due to a constant stay in places of congestion (schools, kindergartens and playgrounds). The only cause of the disease is infection with mononucleosis. The source of the infection is any carrier of the virus with which the baby is closely involved.

Mononucleosis in children - symptoms and signs

The clinical picture of pathology can change at different periods of the course of the disease. Infectious mononucleosis in children - symptoms:

It is important to differentiate similar diseases and mononucleosis in children - the symptoms and treatment of the Epstein-Barr virus are confirmed only after a thorough diagnosis. The only reliable way to identify the infection in question is a blood test. Even the presence of all these symptoms does not indicate a progression of Filatov's disease. Similar signs may be accompanied by:

Rash with mononucleosis in children

Skin manifestations of the described disease occur in 2 cases:

  1. Activation of the herpes virus. Symptoms of mononucleosis in children sometimes include the formation of vesicles with a turbid liquid on the upper or lower lip, especially in children with weak immunity.
  2. Reception of antibiotics. Treatment of secondary infection is carried out with antimicrobial agents, mainly Ampicillin and Amoxicillin. In 95% of children, such therapy is accompanied by a rash, the nature of which has not yet been clarified.

Throat with mononucleosis

Pathology causes the Epstein-Barr virus - the symptoms of its introduction into the body always affect the lymphoid tissues, including the tonsils. Against the background of the disease, glands strongly redden, swell and become inflamed. This causes pain and itching in the throat, especially when swallowing. Because of the similarity of the clinical picture, it is important to differentiate angina and mononucleosis in children - the main symptoms and treatment of these diseases are different. Tonsillitis is a bacterial lesion and can be treated with antibiotics, and Filatov's disease belongs to viral infections, antimicrobial drugs will not help her.

Temperature with mononucleosis

Hyperthermia is considered one of the earliest specific signs of the disease. Body temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​(37.5-38.5), but lasts long, about 10 days or more. Due to prolonged fever, in some cases, mononucleosis in children is difficult to tolerate - symptoms of intoxication against the heat worsen the child's well-being:

Blood test for mononucleosis in children

These symptoms are not considered the basis for diagnosis. To refine it, a special analysis is carried out for mononucleosis in children. It consists in a study of blood, with Filatov's disease in a biological fluid:

Additionally, an analysis is made for the Epstein-Barr virus. There are 2 options for conducting it:

  1. Immunofermental research. The search for antibodies (immunoglobulins) IgM and IgGk infection in the blood.
  2. Polymerase chain reaction. Any biological material (blood, saliva, sputum) is analyzed for the presence of DNA or RNA virus.

How to treat mononucleosis in children?

So far, there are no effective medications that can stop the proliferation of infectious cells. Treatment of mononucleosis in children is limited to the relief of symptoms of the pathology, relief of its course and general strengthening of the body:

  1. Half-bed mode. The main thing is to provide the child with peace, not to overload physically and emotionally.
  2. A plentiful warm drink. The consumption of liquid helps prevent dehydration against the heat, improves the rheological composition of the blood, especially the intake of vitaminized drinks.
  3. Careful oral hygiene. Doctors recommend gargling after each meal and brushing your teeth 3 times a day.

Treatment of infectious mononucleosis in children may include the use of pharmacological agents:

  1. Antipyretics - Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen. The temperature can be brought down if it rises above 38.5 degrees.
  2. Antihistamines - Cetrin, Suprastin. Medicines against allergies help to mitigate the symptoms of intoxication.
  3. Vasoconstrictive (local, in the form of drops) - Galazolin, Ephedrine. Solutions provide relief of nasal breathing.
  4. Antitussive - Broncholitin, Libexin. The drugs are effective in the treatment of tracheitis or bronchitis.
  5. Antibiotics - Ampicillin, Amoxicillin. Appointed only in case of attachment of a secondary infection of bacterial origin, for example, when purulent angina begins.
  6. Corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone. Hormones are selected for the treatment of exceptional situations (hypertoxic course of pathology, the threat of asphyxia due to the pronounced edema of the tonsils and other life-threatening conditions).

Diet for infectious mononucleosis in children

The Epstein-Barr virus damages the lymphoid organs, one of which is the liver. For this reason, a specific diet is recommended for mononucleosis in children. Preferably a fractional, but frequent (4-6 times a day) food. All food and drinks should be served in a warm form, with severe sore throats during swallowing it is better to rub any irritating food. A moderate diet is developed, not overloading the liver, with a high-grade content of proteins, vitamins, vegetable and animal fats, carbohydrates.

The following products are restricted or excluded:

Recommended dishes during treatment:

Recovery after mononucleosis in children

The next 6 months from the moment of recovery the child should be periodically shown to the doctor. It helps to establish whether any negative side effects have caused mononucleosis in children - symptoms and treatment that are correctly defined do not guarantee protection from damage to liver and spleen tissues. Routine examinations are carried out three times - after 1, 3 and 6 months from the day of recovery.

Recovery after mononucleosis involves the observance of a number of common activities:

  1. Restriction of loads. To children who have recovered from the examined pathology, less requirements in school should be presented. Recommended sparing physical training, the child after the pathology is still weakened and quickly gets tired.
  2. Increase the rest time. Doctors are advised to allow the baby to sleep about 10-11 hours at night and 2-3 hours in the afternoon if he needs it.
  3. Compliance with a balanced diet. Children should eat as fully as possible, get important vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It is advisable to continue to feed the child with healthy meals to speed up the treatment and recovery of damaged liver cells.
  4. Visiting the resorts. Modern research has shown that rest by the sea is not harmful for children who have recovered from mononucleosis. It is necessary simply to limit the time of the child's stay under the sun's rays.