Games for mindfulness

Exercises for mindfulness in this article are aimed mainly at preschool children. After all, well-developed memory and attentiveness of the baby are the guarantor of good schooling. Children with whom they regularly perform assignments to develop attention at a small age, later practically do not experience difficulties with the educational process. Such children are more diligent, attentive, easy to remember information. Games for the development of memory and mindfulness are the most acceptable form of work with young children, since it is the game - the main occupation of kids. We picked up such games for development, which can easily be done on their own.

Receptions and games for the development of mindfulness

  1. " What's missing?" . With this game you can help develop short-term memory in children and teach them to be extremely attentive. Prepare several small toys or other bright objects. Lay them on the table in front of the children. Explain to the children that they need to remember the proposed subjects. Then they have to turn their backs, you are removing one toy from the table at that moment. Guys should determine which item has disappeared. For each correct answer, give on the card. The winner is the one who will get more cards by the end of the game.
  2. "What has changed?" . This game is aimed at developing mindfulness and also short-term memory. You again put on the table a few toys, suggesting to children to remember the sequence of standing objects. Then the children turn away, while you are hiding one toy. As in the previous game, the cards are distributed to the guessing player, and the winner is the one who collects the largest number of cards for the game.
  3. "Reflection" . This game should be played with children older than 4-5 years. Such an exercise is aimed at developing activity, imagination, memory and attentiveness. The presenter is selected. He becomes in front of all the children, and they must repeat his movements exactly. The child who has the best repetitions wins.
  4. "Fishing" . The game is attended by at least two people, it is designed for children over four years who understand who are the fishermen and how the fishing process is going. This game will help develop attention, memory and imagination . Participants in the game will be fishermen, they become in a circle, and in the center stands a presenter who will show the movements to the other participants. He offers the fishermen to "take off the net", "throw the fishing rod", "work the right paddle", "string the worm on the line", etc. A participant who does the wrong moves out of the game, and the best participant becomes the leader.
  5. "Cats against dogs" . This game is interesting for children of any age. There are 2 pictures on which you need to find 1 cat among 99 dogs, and vice versa, 1 dog among 99 cats. The one who will make it is faster than all has won.