Pneumonia in children - symptoms, treatment and dangerous complications

With the development of medicine, the diagnosis of pneumonia ceased to be so frightening. The disease is easy to detect due to modern diagnostic methods and cured with antibacterial drugs. The guarantee of a speedy recovery is a timely call to a doctor who, on the first symptoms, can suspect something is amiss.

Types of pneumonia in children

Understanding what pneumonia is in a child does not give a complete picture of the nature of the disease and the methods of its treatment. Inflammation of the lungs can have a different etiology and location location. Classify the disease can be as follows:

  1. In the place of origin:
  • By the form or localization of the inflammatory process:
  • By the nature of the pathogen:
  • By the nature of the course of the disease:
  • Signs of pneumonia in the child

    Clinical manifestations of inflammation depend on the type of pathogen, the degree of prevalence of the process and age. Pneumonia in preschool children and older has a pronounced character:

    Difficulties with how to recognize pneumonia in a child can arise if the causative agent of the disease is chlamydia. On the right path, catarrhal manifestations in the throat, enlarged lymph nodes, are knocked down. Mask under pharyngitis can inflammation caused by infection with mycoplasma. The disease has mild symptoms, it is: subfebrile temperature, sore throat, runny nose, headache, invasive dry cough. Legionellosis pneumonia in children is distinguished by a bright clinical picture, misleading can: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

    Pneumonia - symptoms in children without fever

    It is more difficult to recognize a slow inflammation of the lungs. This form of the disease is often diagnosed in babies. The disease proceeds without fever and cough. The general clinical picture is similar to a common cold. An experienced physician is able to recognize the signs of pneumonia in a child without a temperature:

    At an early stage of the disease and with latent pneumonia, when listening, the pediatrician can note the presence or absence of wheezing in the lungs. When tapping the chest - to reveal a shortening of the sound over the lesion. This sign is considered secondary and not seen in all children, therefore, to confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination, sputum examination for the microflora and a blood test are required.

    Treatment of pneumonia in children

    Inflammation of the lungs is a disease requiring urgent antibiotic therapy. Focusing on the age of patients, their condition, the degree of responsibility of parents, the doctor determines how to treat pneumonia in children - in a hospital or at home. Indications for hospitalization are:

    Antibiotics for pneumonia in children

    Immediately after the examination, the pediatrician empirically prescribes the child antibiotics, based on his own experience and collected anamnesis. The effectiveness of the selected antibacterial drug can be assessed after 24-48 hours after administration. The right medicine will have its effect: the baby's temperature will drop, the general condition will improve. Children with acute inflammation pneumonia are prescribed parenterally, when the condition stabilizes, they switch to oral administration.

    Pneumonia in children is treated with the antibiotics of the following groups:

    Treatment of pneumonia in children with antibiotics in the case of a mild form of the disease is carried out at home. The medicine for the baby is administered orally for 5-6 days. Additionally, at the doctor's discretion, expectorants, bronchodilators, antiallergic drugs, vitamins and prebiotics are prescribed. In a complex with medicamental therapy physiotherapy procedures are prescribed-microwave, electrophoresis, inductothermy. Effective in this case, exercise therapy, massages.

    Treatment of pneumonia in children at home

    Taking medication, performing procedures, creating favorable conditions are the primary tasks of adults. The baby's diet should be full and varied, the air in the children's room is cool and damp, the drinking regime is plentiful. At high temperature, the baby must be in bed. You can use folk remedies for pneumonia in children after the doctor's permission. You can not systematically give a child antipyretic drugs - this tactic will not allow you to really evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy and muffle your own immune response of the body.

    Rehabilitation after pneumonia in children

    After recovery the child is waiting for the rehabilitation period. It should include a number of procedures and measures aimed at restoring vitality and health:

    Prevention of pneumonia in children

    Prevent the disease can be by increasing the body's immune forces, the correct scheme of hardening. Reduce the seasonal incidence of sports help play. If possible, it is necessary to exclude contacts with sick peers and adults. Timely vaccination against pneumonia for children can save them from pneumonia. Preventive measures can also be regarded as vaccination against viral diseases.

    Causes of pneumonia in children

    The risk of developing pneumonia is especially high in small children. It's connected with:

    In children older, the causes of the development of the disease are:

    Part of the truth is the statement that pneumonia can be infected by airborne droplets. Therefore, parents should be aware of the way pneumonia is transmitted to children:

    Consequences of pneumonia in children

    With adequate treatment, the child is quickly restored. He returns to his excellent state of health, his former appetite and good mood. Dangerous complications of pneumonia in children requiring emergency measures are rare, they include: