Enterol for children

Enterol - this is an excellent tool that comes to the rescue in the treatment of diarrhea of ​​any kind. Also enterol is used for dysbacteriosis and is suitable as a preventive agent when taking antibiotics.

Enterol composition

In enterol, the main active ingredient is lyophilized yeast, which perform the supporting function of the temporary intestinal microflora. In this way, the balance of the intestinal flora can be maintained. Also, lyophilized yeast suppresses the harmful effect of toxins and various pathogens that appear when taking antibiotics.

Issue enterol in capsules, and just in bags of powder.

How to give the child enterol?

Infants are best suited for infants in powdered enterol. It must be diluted in warm water, but in no case hot or cold, otherwise live cells contained in the preparation may die. Take Enterol must be an hour before meals. For the prevention of dysbacteriosis, it is best to begin taking enterol from the first day of antibiotic treatment.

Enterol is prescribed even for newborns, because is considered a safe drug. Although the instructions specify a child's age from 1 year, a pediatrician or a neonatal doctor can recommend it even to the smallest. Many of those who gave enterol to children for about a year left only positive reviews about it. But still, be sure to carefully monitor the reaction of your child to the drug.

When using Enterol as an antidiarrhoeic, we should not forget about replenishment of fluid in the body. Therefore, always consult with your doctor about the use of a rehydrone or similar drugs. Maybe in your case it will be enough just to increase the amount of liquid you drink.

Antifungal preparations and adsorbents (smect, activated carbon, enterosgel, etc.) can not be used together with enterol, since its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Dosage of Enterol

  1. For children up to one year, the sex of the enteral packet is prescribed 2-3 times a day. Babies can be given a drug along with food.
  2. From 1 year to 3 years, take 1 packet, or 1 capsule 2 times a day. But not longer than 5 days.
  3. From 3 years to 10 - 1-2 capsules (sachets) 2-3 times a day.

Adverse Reactions Enterol

When conducting clinical trials, cases of fungemia (fungal infection entering the blood) were recorded. But this was observed only in patients who are in hospital with severe lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired immune protection and established central venous catheter. Fungemia is a very rare side effect of enterol. Also, sometimes there are allergic reactions, the appearance of pain in the stomach and flatulence. But, it is commonly believed that this is not an excuse for cancellation of Enterol. Although it is not superfluous to seek advice from a doctor.

Enterol: contraindications

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  2. Syndrome of impaired absorption of glucose-galactose.
  3. Presence of an established central venous catheter.
  4. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also not advisable to take Enterol, as there is no data on the use of the drug during these periods.

Very often doctors try to treat only diarrhea, and not the causes of its appearance, so be sure to observe the condition of the child. If there are no improvements on the second day after the introduction of Enterol, then consult a pediatrician again, maybe a remedy is not suitable for you. Let you be meticulous parents, but, unfortunately, this is the only time in our time to do it!