Mud Treatment in Gynecology

In the treatment of female diseases, this method of physiotherapy , as mud therapy, has been used for a long time and has already proved its effectiveness many times. Mud in gynecology is successfully used in the following conditions:

Effectiveness of mud therapy of gynecological diseases

The effectiveness of mud therapy in gynecology is provided due to the high biological activity of the medicinal substances that make up the composition of one or another applied mud. Penetrating directly into the blood, these compounds produce an effect inside the body: they affect the activity of the endocrine glands, reduce pain, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

For the purpose of treatment in gynecology, mud tampons are used for vaginal and rectal administration. Such a method provides instant absorption of active substances through the mucous membrane of the vagina or rectum and their entry directly into the bloodstream.

Reviews of mud therapy in gynecology by patients and their doctors indicate an improvement in women's health in 75% of cases. In addition to regulating the hormonal and immune status, eliminating the symptoms of inflammation, restoring the reproductive function, dirt also increases the overall tone of the body.

Contraindications for mud therapy

Unfortunately, not every woman can afford mud cure. This is not a financial component, although it is important. The mud has contraindications.

  1. In the first place, these are any diseases in the acute stage: inflammatory, infectious, viral.
  2. Secondly, in no case do not treat the mud of women who have a suspicion of oncology or already had tumors in the anamnesis.