How correctly to wash a nose?

Any woman accept the statement, children are our joy and sorrow. And the right people's wisdom, which states that small children are small children, and big children are big troubles. In fact, what does the baby need? To my mother was there, so as not to scold the pranks strongly, to buy chocolate and ice cream and the like. But with age, other problems appear, more global, the boy does not pay attention, the girl does not look at me, I have nothing to wear to the disco, the exam is overloaded in the institute and so on. But all of us, small and large, are united by one simple thing - the common cold. And in this case, the mother must help her child, be able to heal him or at least alleviate the condition. For example, something to reduce the temperature, find a remedy for headache and a cold, to soften the cough. Well, if the child is still very young, the mother should know how to properly wash the baby's nose. Let's learn this together.

First the theory

But before proceeding to direct practice, one must study the theory and find out the answers to the following questions.

  1. Do I need to clean my nose? Yes, it is necessary, only it is necessary to do it skilfully, instead of aby as. Next, we will consider the technique of how to properly wash the nose of the baby with saline, depending on his age.
  2. The better to wash your nose? For this procedure, there are many options for different means. Some of them, for example, saline and sea water can be bought at the pharmacy. Others, for example, saline and herbal decoctions are prepared independently at home. By the way, and sea water, if you want, you can cook yourself. To do this, in a liter of boiled water, dissolve for 0.5 tsp. salt and soda and add 2-3 drops of pharmacy iodine. If you only use salt for rinsing, then put a whole teaspoon into 1 liter. Herbal decoctions are prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, marigold, string or some other plant that has an anti-inflammatory property, is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. Then the capacity is wrapped with a towel and allowed to stand for 30-40 minutes, filter, cool to body temperature and then rinse her nose and throat. In addition to the above funds, you can still use furatsilin, it also helps well.
  3. How often can I wash my nose? This issue worries all, and moms and children. The first want to quickly cure their children. The latter very much dislike this procedure and in every possible way evade it. So, how often can I wash my nose? It depends on the degree of its clogging and the phase of the disease. The general rule is to rinse your nose at least 3 times a day, after a night's sleep, in the middle of the day and before going to bed at night. And now we turn to practice.

How correctly to wash a nose to the child of the house depending on its age?

The technique of washing the nose in children of different ages is significantly different. Here's how to properly wash the nose with salt or furatsilinom child up to a year. On the table they put an oilcloth. The kid is put on the barrel. From the instruments take two small "pears" syringes, which you can buy at the pharmacy, and saline solution. Rinse that nostril, which is closer to the surface of the table. That is, if the child lies on his right side, wash the right nostril. So, empty pears suck mucus from the nostril, then using another pear with saline solution and rinse it. Next, squeeze an empty pear, and suck off the remaining liquid. The same manipulation is done with the other nostril.

With older children, they act differently. The kid is explained the essence of the procedure, give a look and touch the vessel for washing, tell the sequence of actions. By the way for washing the nose in children from 2 years and adults, you can use not only the "pear", but also a special mug "dolphin". Then the saline is filled with saline solution, the baby rises above the bath or sink and bends at an angle of 90 degrees. And it is clearly forward, otherwise the water will flow into the ear canals. Ask the child to take a deep breath and hold his breath, at which time you will be washed in one of the nostrils. The fluid must flow freely from the other nostril. Do the same with the second nostril. Then ask the child to pinch one nostril, open his mouth and blow a good nose. Repeat the action with the second nostril. The procedure is over.

You can teach your child to wash his nose on his own, but under your control. And most importantly, never rinse your nose if it is completely clogged and not breathing. In this case, first achieve at least a minimum of patency, and only then proceed to rinse.