Diseases of the spleen - symptoms and treatment

The spleen is a small unpaired organ that performs many important functions. It is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis, participates in the metabolism, controls blood circulation and acts as an additional filter like the liver. Therefore it is important to detect and eliminate spleen diseases in a timely manner - the symptoms and treatment of such pathologies have long been studied and developed by gastroenterologists. But their signs are so badly expressed that you have to completely remove the organ.

Symptoms of Spleen Disease

Known following diseases of the body part in question:

1. Congenital malformations. Usually they do not affect health and well-being, very rarely because of them pain is felt.

2. Lienite, splenetic (inflammation of the spleen). Often occurs asymptomatically. When the pathological process spreads to other organs of the abdominal space, one observes:

3. Infarction of the spleen. With a small area of ​​organ damage, there are no tangible manifestations. If the infarction was extensive, there are such symptoms:

4. Abscess. It has signs very similar to a spleen infarction, therefore the presence of the above-mentioned manifestations requires urgent hospitalization and X-ray studies.

5. Cysts. Usually, neoplasms are not accompanied by any symptoms, slowly developing 10-20 years.

6. Echinococcosis. The disease is difficult to diagnose, since its only signs are dull weak pains in the left hypochondrium, allergic reactions, sometimes constipation or diarrhea, nausea after eating.

7. Tuberculosis. There is no explicit clinic. When the disease reaches a severe form, there is a strong, visually conspicuous, enlarged spleen.

8. Tumors. In this case, there are specific symptoms:

9. Amyloidosis. There are no special complaints in patients. In rare situations, there may be such signs:

Treatment of spleen diseases

Therapy should correspond to the revealed pathology and be developed individually by the gastroenterologist.

In conservative schemes, these groups of drugs are used:

Often the only option to eliminate the disease is to remove an organ that does not entail serious consequences or limitations.

Treatment of diseases of the spleen and its inflammation in folk ways

Alternative therapy is used only as supportive measures. Usually doctors recommend phyto-drugs based on such medicinal plants: