Omission of the uterus - exercises

Virtually all gynecological diseases can be treated. Basically, this treatment is medication, less often - surgical, and some women's diseases are treated with simple physical exercises. In the article that you are reading, it will be an exercise for the treatment of uterine prolapse.

Complex of exercises for ovulation of the uterus

A small omission of the uterus can be cured by doing therapeutic gymnastics. It is enough to bring in the right muscles, and the internal organs themselves will return to their original position. In addition to the exercises described below, it will be useful to exercise on the simulators and even lifting dumbbells (in the supine position, with a slightly raised pelvis). After gymnastics do not forget to take a contrast shower to improve the effect.

So, here's the first set of exercises :

  1. In the starting position on all fours, swing your legs up.
  2. From the sitting position, try to reach out to the tips of your toes.
  3. In the same position, lean back in your arms, arching your back.
  4. Lying on your back, in turn, pull your legs, bent at the knees to the chest (hands are pressed to the floor).
  5. In the prone position on the abdomen take turns straight up as high as possible.
  6. When in a horizontal position, try to sit down without the help of hands.
  7. Make turns of the trunk to the right and left, sitting on the floor.
  8. With your arms outstretched, try to bend as low as possible to your feet (the starting position is the same).
  9. Lying on your back, your hands are pressed to the floor, raise your straight legs by 900.
  10. Expand the hips and feet: the right - to the right, the left - to the left and back.
  11. Lying on your back and holding your hands behind your head, raise your legs to 450 and spread them apart.
  12. Take turns to raise your knees bent at the knees, trying to press them to the stomach.

But - the second set of physical exercises with the lowering of the uterus (alternate both complexes in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect).

  1. In the starting position, standing on all fours, lift the right leg and arm and hold the balance for 5 seconds.
  2. Lying on your back, lift both legs, bent at the knees, parallel to the floor. Then straighten your legs, lifting them to 450, and return to the starting position.
  3. In the sitting position, hands in the sides, rotate the body in different directions.
  4. Swing the press down while raising your legs and pressing them to yourself.
  5. From a position standing on all fours, sit on your bent legs, leaning back and straightening your torso.
  6. In the same starting position, do circular motions with your pelvis.
  7. Sitting on bent legs, stretch your arms forward, tilting only the upper part of the trunk.
  8. Sitting on the floor, lean as far back as possible, bending your back.
  9. Lying on your back, lean on your elbows and lift your hips.
  10. Do the same exercise from the starting position sitting, placing emphasis on the hands behind.
  11. Standing on all fours, lift the pelvis up, straightening your legs.
  12. Swing the bottom press, lying on the bench and fixing your feet.

Gymnastics Kegel at the descent of the uterus

One of the most popular ways for women to strengthen the muscles of the vagina is Kegel exercises. They are used during pregnancy and after childbirth, for the treatment of women's diseases and their prevention. Such gymnastics is useful when the uterus is lowered and other internal organs. It does not involve special physical activities and is as follows. A woman takes turns and strains, then relaxes her intimate muscles. During the stress, it seems to draw them in and hold the voltage for a certain time (10-30 seconds), and then slowly relaxes. The alternation of these simple exercises positively affects the tone of the intimate muscles and ligaments that support the internal organs, and the health of the genitourinary system as a whole, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. In addition, Kegel gymnastics is good because it can be done whenever and wherever, because it is possible to strain and relax the muscles imperceptibly for others.