Gestures of sympathy

Have you ever had a desire to read a person's feelings by the slightest change in facial expressions or posture, as Dr. Lightman did in the series "Deceive me"? Start studying this science from the most curious female heart of the section, and find out how the man's sympathy is expressed, what gestures it gives out.

Nonverbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman

A question may arise, but why should one study the signs of male sympathy, is not it enough that a man speaks? The fact is that men are less inclined to express their feelings openly, and it is difficult to understand what kind of feelings the interlocutor owns - sincere interest or indifference. So we have to consider male gestures to distinguish signs of hidden sympathy.

  1. A hint of sympathy may be the man's attempt to stand out against the background of the others when the object of interest appears. For example, a man can start loudly telling funny stories or anecdotes. The desire to show oneself to a woman will be expressed by such non-verbal signals of sympathy as the turning of the body towards the person of interest to him, constant glances at the woman, even when talking with other people, the situation at the stand "quietly" - the shoulders are straightened, the stomach is drawn, . You are handsome to a man, if in conversation he leans toward you, slightly stoops.
  2. Wishing to find signs of sympathy in men, one must look at facial expressions, its change will tell you exactly whether you are fascinated by a man or not. During the conversation, does the interlocutor raise his eyebrows slightly? He sympathizes with you, if only his eyebrows do not "get on your forehead" from a strong surprise from your words or attire. A man feels sympathy for you if, when he meets you, he opens his mouth for a second.
  3. Everyone knows such non-verbal signs of sympathy in women, like playing with curls, earrings. Men are no better, in the presence of an interesting woman, they also try to constantly straighten (to ruffle) their hair, tear off their shirt, jacket, and smooth their trousers. All these gestures produce nervousness and a desire to please. But if a man fiddles with the buttons on his jacket, takes it off, puts his hands on his hips, corrects the belt, all this means that he has already presented (and more than once) you in his bed.
  4. The eyes are a mirror of the soul and of the male intentions towards you. At the first meeting, the man looks at the object that interests him from head to toe, then looks at the chest and hips, if your shapes liked him. If the results of the examination satisfied him, then the visual contacts become more frequent, and the pupils expand. When a man starts to stare at a woman, practically without looking up, it means not just his interest, but a demonstration of his sexual desire.
  5. A man holds you by the elbow or touches the shoulder - these are also gestures of sympathy. So it not only helps you not to get lost in the crowd, but also sends signals to the surrounding men that this woman already has a companion. Subconsciously, a man making such a gesture already considers a woman conquered, that she is in his hands and will not go anywhere.
  6. The man is covering your shoulders with a jacket? This is also a sign sympathy, meaning not only an attempt to warm up, he also talks about protection and protection. Subconsciously it means a kind of "marking of territory" - putting on his jacket, you take and smell the man, thus becoming his property.
  7. It is important and what the man says, and how he does it. A sign of sympathy will be intentionally sharp communication with others to claim their rights to "booty." But with the subject of his interest the man will talk differently, he will use all the possibilities of his voice, making it velvety, soft, so that the woman will hear and forget about everything.