Symptom Gref in infants

The life of a young mother is full of troubles and worries. Guilty of this and the lack of personal experience, and conflicting advice of experienced grandmothers, and children's doctors, frightening the inexperienced mother with terrible diagnoses. A visit to the neurologist of many mothers scares to a shiver at the feet. How can you stay calm when on the examination of the child shows Gref syndrome. The medical encyclopedia reports "Gref syndrome is a hereditary disease characterized by severe malformations: deafness, oligophrenia, cataract, deformity of the spine and feet, schizophreniform syndrome". The picture is depressing, but you should not be scared ahead of time, because, most likely, the neurologist did not talk about the syndrome, but Gref's symptom, which is very often found in newborn infants.

What is the Gref symptom?

Symptom Gref or the symptom of the setting sun in infants is called a characteristic white strip, which remains between the iris and the upper eyelid, when the child drops his eyes down. By itself, the Gref symptom does not indicate that the children have any health problems. It can be just an individual feature of the structure of the baby's eyes or a manifestation of the immaturity of his nervous system. In this case, Gref does not require any treatment for this terrible "syndrome". Time passes, the child's nervous system "ripens" and all mother's experiences will remain in the past. This happens usually during the first six months of life of the baby.

But if the symptom of the setting sun is accompanied by increased excitability of the baby, throwing back the head , strabismus, tremor, retardation and regurgitation with a fountain , this already indicates the presence of serious problems: increased intracranial pressure, hydrocephalic syndrome. For an accurate diagnosis, it will be necessary to undergo a number of additional studies: magnetic resonance imaging, neurosonography, electroencephalography, computer tomography. Having received the results of the research, the neurologist will be able to prescribe a method of treatment: medical therapy, a course of therapeutic massage, swimming. With the positive dynamics of such treatment may well be enough. In more severe cases, it may also be necessary to resort to surgery - the installation of shunts to ensure the outflow of liquor.