How to calculate body mass index?

Many people, wanting to lose extra pounds, turn to a professional dietician, who first of all will offer to calculate the body mass index. For the necessary calculations it is not necessary to spend money on a specialist, since everything can be done independently. We'll figure out how to correctly calculate the body mass index at home. The obtained value will give an opportunity to determine whether a person has a problem with excess weight. Based on the values ​​obtained, you can choose the correct method of losing weight.

How to calculate body mass index?

The body mass index is a conditional value, since it does not take into account possible individual indices. At the same time, he gives an approximate idea of ​​the composition of a person. BMI is used in official medicine to diagnose obesity in humans. The indicator is considered normal if it enters the limit from 18 to 24.

Consider an example of how to calculate the body mass index, which will allow everyone to understand this issue. You can, of course, choose an automatic calculator, which is on different resources, but it will not allow you to control the process and completely understand this issue.

There is a special formula for calculating the body mass index: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) & sup2. According to the result, you can determine whether there is a problem with being overweight and how serious it is.

What does the BMI value mean?

To calculate the body mass index for women and men more accurately, there are several useful tips. It is important to correctly determine your weight for this to be done by weighing in the morning after going to the toilet on an empty stomach. Since the intestine and bladder will be empty, and you can actually find out the exact weight. By the way, growth is also recommended to measure in the morning, when the spine is in a relaxed state. It is believed that by the evening a person may be lower by 1-2 cm.