Ointment Bezornil - properties and features of the application, of which you did not know

Hemorrhoids are always accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations, which must be disposed of, by using various medications. Ointment Bezornil is considered one of the most effective ointments used to treat this disease and its complications.

Ointment Bezornil - composition

The active component of the ointment determines the pharmacological action of the preparation. Analyzing the question of what substances are used in the production of the facility, Bezornil has the following composition:

Bezornil - indications for use

In the overwhelming majority of cases Bezornil testifies in the treatment of hemorrhoidal problems, but there are other cases when this remedy is also shown. Ointment Bezornil is shown at such problems:

The use of Bezornil has the properties necessary to treat hemorrhoids and to quickly and effectively eliminate symptoms:

Bezornil - contraindications

Ointment from hemorrhoids Bezornil, being a very effective remedy, is in fact a safe preparation with a minimum of contraindications to its inclusion in the therapeutic course of treatment. However, choosing a remedy for a child, it is necessary to refer to a specialist who correctly selects the right baby remedy for hemorrhoids. This step will be reasonable to exclude complications and side effects in the treatment of a child.

One more thing. Often eczema around the anus is confused with herpes, and with herpesvirus infection Bezornil ointment is useless. For this reason, you need to be absolutely confident in the use of the drug for its intended use. The list, when the drug is contraindicated, is not large:

Bezornil - side effects

Using Bezornil with hemorrhoids, you need to know about the side effects of the remedy to avoid unpleasant symptoms and know exactly what a change in health is not due to the use of the drug. The main side effects are various kinds of allergic reactions to the active substances of Bezornil ointment individually. When such reactions occur, you need to stop using the product and consult a doctor so that he can pick up another that does not cause allergies.

Bezornil - application

To achieve maximum efficiency when using the tool, you need to know how to apply Bezornil correctly. The effectiveness of this drug is proved by clinical studies. Tests of the drug, with the correct and appropriate use of it have shown good results. So, among the subjects 23% got rid of painful symptoms and only 74% completely got rid of the problems and the accompanying symptoms. Only 4% felt slight relief.

To use the product brought the desired result, it is important to know how to apply Bezornil ointment:

  1. In the treatment of eczema and hemorrhoids , which are located outside, the ointment is applied a thin layer to the places of the main lesion twice - in the morning and before bedtime.
  2. This procedure should be performed after a bowel movement by natural means or enema and carrying out all necessary hygienic procedures.
  3. When applying the drug before going to bed, you can use a napkin, soaked in ointment, which you need to apply to the anal area.
  4. The question of how to apply ointment Bezornil with other problems, interests many. So, with insect bites, the treatment of cracks and wounds, the agent is applied a thin layer on the damaged area, after using disinfectants.

Bezornil from hemorrhoids

The procedure for treating hemorrhoids with nodes, fissures and severe course of the disease is as follows:

  1. Applying Bezornil from the nodes inside and cracks, it is used rectally. With the help of a special tip that comes in the kit, the ointment is injected into the anus after each bowel movement, in the morning and at bedtime.
  2. If the condition managed to go into a serious, then the dosage of the drug is increased, and the soaked napkin is fixed on the underwear and worn all day.

Bezornil from bags under the eyes

Among the indications for the use of the drug there are no swelling and circles under the eyes , which already calls into question the effectiveness of the ointment in this area. But there are more adventurous people who, after making a series of logical conclusions, use Bezornil from swelling under the eyes. It is difficult to unequivocally judge the feasibility of such an application, because there are positive responses and are negative because of the individual characteristics of the organism and the corresponding reaction to Bezornil.

One ointment helped to get rid of puffiness under the eyes, while others did not notice any changes for the better. It unites both sides of the sensation experienced by the ointment from its application.

  1. Bezornil cold and slightly pinch.
  2. The odor of the drug is specific, so it is not worth using before going out.
  3. The ointment is washed off very badly because of the oily foundation.

How long can Bezornil be used?

The use of ointment Bezornil, as indicated in the instructions - two weeks. In theory, during this period of time, there should be an exacerbation, symptomatology and a process of tissue regeneration. Given the condition before the start of treatment, the complexity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body, the time needed for complete recovery may vary considerably. For this reason, it would be better to consult periodically with a doctor and correct if necessary the use of funds from hemorrhoids.

Bezornil - analogues

The question of what can replace Bezornil, is relevant in case of individual intolerance of this drug or because of its low efficiency. By analogs in this case, they mean similar properties and scope.

  1. Anusole. Analog Bezornil.
  2. Betiol. Effective means with indications identical to Bezornil.
  3. Belladonna extract . Inexpensive and effective treatment for cracks and hemorrhoids.
  4. Orlovs extract. Often prescribed in place of Bezornil.
  5. Doloproct. Rectal analogue Bezornil.
  6. Hemorrhoids. Effective means for hemorrhoids.
  7. Hemorrhoidal. An obvious analogue of Bezornil.
  8. Pilex. In addition to hemorrhoids, the drug is prescribed for varicose veins and varicocele.
  9. Posterizan and Posterizan forte.
  10. Proctosol. In addition to the testimony that Bezornil has, this drug is associated with inflammatory processes in the rectal area.
  11. Procto-glivnol. Applied for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids.
  12. Rutes. In addition to hemorrhoids, it is prescribed for thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and phlebitis.
  13. Proctosedil. This is the most obvious analogue of Bezornil both in composition and in action.