Nettle oil

Among the medicinal plants, nettle is not located in the last place. In this case, the medicinal qualities of weeds are used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Let us consider the properties of the nettle oil, in which the components of the plant that are useful to humans are best preserved.

What is useful for nettle oil?

Useful qualities of stinging nettle:

It is not surprising that the nettle oil finds application in the treatment:

However, it should be taken into account that the use of the product leads to a narrowing of the lumens of the vessels, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use it at atherosclerosis, hypertension and increased coagulability of blood.

Nettle oil in cosmetology

But for cosmetic purposes, nettle oil can be used practically without fear. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction.

Nettle oil is good for the hair. It is enough to rub a little product into the scalp half an hour before using the shampoo to ensure the splendor and density of the curls. By the way, nettle oil perfectly fights with early gray hair .

You can use the nettle oil not for growth, but for hair removal. To get a home "depilator" you will have to prepare your own remedy. You need to grind 400 grams of fresh, not dried, nettle seeds. Mass pour 100 ml of olive or pumpkin oil and pour into a container of dark glass. Tightly closing the vessel, it is taken to an unlit cool place. After 2-8 weeks, the oil is filtered and used for the intended purpose. Apply oil to excessively hairy areas twice a day. It is believed that 2 months of daily procedures are enough to get rid of from undesirable vegetation.

No less popular is the nettle oil for the face, as it perfectly eliminates acne and small facial wrinkles. In doing so, use the product to treat acne is recommended pointwise. If it is necessary to make the skin smooth, it is desirable to add oil to your favorite masks.

Before applying the product, perform a sensitivity test, apply a couple of drops of oil on the inner crook of the elbow. If after a couple of hours skin irritation in this place is absent - safely use the product for cosmetic purposes.