The air leaves the uterus

Many women have faced such a situation, when involuntarily, the air from the uterus itself leaves. This causes discomfort, and the woman begins to feel uneasy in the circle of friends or close people.


Girls, faced with this problem, trying to understand, first of all ask such a question: "Why does air out of the uterus"? There are several reasons for this:

In most cases, after birth, the woman has a loosening of the ligamentous apparatus, as a result of which air can enter the uterus and then leave it. The same can be observed in pregnancy, when as a result of the increase in the size and weight of the fetus, the strength of the pelvic muscles decreases, which leads to the escape of air from the uterus.

Some women complain that the air from the uterus begins to actively exit before the menstrual period. This again is associated with a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the uterus. The cervix opens before the menstrual period , as a result of which the air penetrates into the uterine cavity and comes out, which causes the woman some discomfort. This fact can not be called a disease, so drug treatment is not required.

How to fight?

In order to get rid of a problem such as the escape of air from the uterus, a woman needs to increase muscle tone pelvic floor. To do this, perform the following exercises :

  1. To begin with, you can try simple sit-ups. They must be done in the morning, after a light breakfast.
  2. During the act of urination, squeeze the muscles, interrupting urination for a short time. You can do this exercise and sitting on a chair. In this case, the woman should not hold her breath, but try to keep it even, as in a state of rest.

When performing the exercises described above, the woman will notice the effect within a week.