Bee swine - contraindications

Even with such a natural product, as bee pollock, there are contraindications. Basically, they are caused by a high concentration of active substances in this drug.

What are the basis for contraindications to the use of bee podmor?

Beespine is an insect body, dried according to a special scheme. They are used most often in the form of dry powder, tincture, decoction or ointment based on natural oils. As part of the submarine chitosan (bee chitin), propolis, honey, wax, bee venom and its opposite is a substance that allows bees not to be poisoned by their own poison. Therefore, in the first place, this remedy does not suit those who have an allergy to bee products and their individual intolerance.

In general, beespine can cause the following side effects:

Contraindications for taking tincture of bees

Tincture of beeswax is prepared for alcohol, and therefore contraindications to the use of this medication are states where the use of alcohol is excluded. A brief list of diseases in which you can not use tincture:

Also beespine can harm people with a pacemaker, as it changes the blood formula and dilutes it, which should be reflected in the settings of this device.

Who is contraindicated in the bee?

With care, it is necessary to conduct therapy with bee soup during pregnancy. After the first trimester, it is better not to use it any more. It is inadmissible to treat infusions of children under 2 years.

Also, treatment with bee soup is contraindicated in the presence of diseases during which processes similar to the action of this beekeeping product are initiated. As a rule, these are serious illnesses, accompanied by changes in immunity, blood, lymph and connective tissues:

The use of this drug is most justified for the prevention and prevention of disease, and not when the state of health has already worsened. Especially it concerns increase in body temperature - with this symptom the use of beeswax, tincture, decoction and ointment is strictly prohibited. Before applying this medication, you should make sure that the acute phase of the disease is over. In this case, you can be sure that you will not harm yourself and your family.

External use of bee podmora such contraindications is not. The only thing that can prevent the treatment is drug intolerance. In general, there are no restrictions to the use of podmor in the form of compresses and ointments. They perfectly relieve inflammation, relieve pain and trigger the regeneration processes in the tissues.

For cosmetic purposes, it is not recommended to use bee humor in the summer, during the active sun.