Nikola Veshny May 22 - signs

The day of Nikola Veshnego is celebrated on May 22. On this day, the relics of Nicholas the Miracle-Worker from the town of Mir Likijski were moved to the Italian Bar. This holiday is a kind of counterbalance to Nikolay Zimniy, which is celebrated on December 19. The day of Nikola is considered a time when nature begins to blossom.

Signs on Nikolay Veshny on May 22

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the main assistants of mankind, and also he was considered the patron of farming and domestic animals. In prayers, travelers, sailors, and family people turn to him for happiness. Parents ask for holy protection for children, as well as help in getting rid of diseases. Helps the Wonderworker protect himself from thieves and various negatives. Since May 22, many different rituals and rituals are associated, which are more relevant to nature and earth.

Signs on Nicholas Veshnego:

  1. To rain, people gathered near the wells and held prayer services. Even on this holiday, religious processions were held in the fields, and then, people bathed and froliced ​​in the river, celebrating the holiday.
  2. It was believed that from the day of Nikola Veshnego comes heat and the grass grows actively.
  3. On this day it is necessary to start sowing of spring crops.
  4. It will also be interesting to know that on May 22, on the day of Nikola Veshnego, you can not make meat dishes and eat it. It is also forbidden to transfer weaving tools and engage in sleeping. If you break the ban, the cattle can suffer from wolves.
  5. If it rains on the day of Nicholas, then this should be taken as God's blessing. This weather also meant that there would be a good harvest of bread and rye. If the rain pours all day, then the summer will be cold and the weather will be bad.
  6. On the morning of May 22, there was hoarfrost on the grass, which means that the harvest will be good this year.
  7. The croaking of frogs means that there will be a big harvest of oats.
  8. It is believed that from Nikola left 12 cold matinees, which will be either in the spring or in September.
  9. On this day it is customary to drive horses out to the night pasture, and also to plant potatoes and buckwheat.
  10. Required in this bright holiday it is necessary to give to the poor and share food with the hungry. Otherwise it is necessary to consider copecks all year.
  11. On this day, one can not sit on a horse until the prayer for her health is read.
  12. Until this day, you can not swim in the river, so as not to bring disaster upon yourself.

It was believed that Nikola Veshny helps to find love , so on May 22 there is a sign for marriage. It is necessary to go to the service early in the morning and near the icon to ask the Miracle-Worker for help in finding a suitor.