Why does a friend dream?

Many believe that during sleep a person enters another world, in which he receives various signs in the form of dreams, deciphering which, you can learn a lot of information about the present and the future. Often dreams with the participation of close friends symbolize the events that will occur in the very near future.

Why does a friend dream?

Such a night vision can be a symbol of different characteristics of your personality , for example, politeness, sincerity, etc. A happy friend promises good news or a meeting with a loved one. If you see a betrayal of a friend in a dream, then in reality you will surely reconcile with it. A sad friend is a sign of illness. If you go away from a loved one in a dream, most likely, friendship will end in reality. A close friend wears clothes of red color - wait for serious problems and losses.

If you see how a friend's stationary figure stands on a hill, then in the near future it is worth waiting for success in business, but if it is located in the lowland, due to achievements it will be necessary to lose a friend. In the vision, a friend hides his face - wait for deception from the person you are considered to be faithful. You are with a friend in a ruined room - most likely, your relationship will spoil because of rumors. If an old friend dreams - in the near future someone will remember you past merits.

If you see a friend in a night vision with whom you just met, in the near future he will ask for help. In a dream, you argue - wait for treachery.

Why dream of a friend's wedding?

Such a dream says that in the near future someone will ask for your help. It is not recommended to refuse, as in the future you will need to apply with a response request. If you see a girlfriend's wedding in a dream is a good sign.

What does the former friends dream about?

Such a night vision is a sign that the past is somehow not lets you go. It can be a feeling of guilt or nostalgia for the past.

What is the dream of a deceased friend?

Such a dream promises well-being in the future. If you have seen a long dead friend - wait for trouble. Talking to the deceased promises important news. All the information you hear from him is true. If you see in a dream how a comrade dies, who in reality is alive, everything will be calm and peaceful in life. Dreams of a deceased friend living - in the near future you will get to know a person who will become a good friend.