Oily hair - treatment

Hair becomes fat due to increased secretion of sweat glands of the scalp. The fat they release covers the hair with a film, creating an unattractive and sometimes repulsive appearance. Owners of greasy hair type have to wash their hair every day, but this only irritates the skin, and the secretion intensifies. Nevertheless, there are many means aimed at treating fatty hair due to the normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands.

Shampoos for oily hair

If the roots of hair are oily, treatment should begin with the selection of a special shampoo. On the packaging it is always indicated which type of hair the product is oriented on - it is not worth neglecting these markings. If greasy hair is washed with shampoo "For normal" or "For dry", the secretion of sebum will become even more intense.

Today, professional products for the treatment of oily hair are available in all price categories. Shampoos are most effective:

Among the elite means of directed action are:

A worthy alternative to professional cosmetics is the treatment of oily hair with folk remedies, more affordable and absolutely natural.


Reduce the fat content of hair will help rinsing them after washing decoctions of herbs that are sold in any pharmacy:

You can apply the herbs separately, but they are even more effective. 2 tablespoons of raw material is poured hot water (1 liter), wrapped in a container (you can use a thermos bottle) and after 40 minutes filter. The infusion for rinsing should be cool, like water in which greasy hair is washed.

Hair treatment with oils

Many essential oils can affect the secretion of glands and reduce the fat content of the hair. These properties are oil:

Essential oils of 2-3 drops are added to the base oil. They can be olive, refined sunflower, jojoba or wheat germ oil. As an alternative to oil-based, you can use conditioner or hair balm, but the effect of this treatment will be much less.

A mixture of oils is applied to the scalp, a bag or a polyethylene cap is put on, wrapped in a warm towel. You can leave a mask for the night or apply a couple of hours before washing your hair. The procedure is repeated twice a week. Results become noticeable after about half a month.

Attention! Before the first application of oil on the scalp, a test should be carried out. Lubricate the mixture with the inside of the elbow. If after 2 hours there were no obvious signs of allergy - hair treatment with oils can be considered safe.

Home recipes

A very effective way of normalizing secretion is by treating the hair with kefir. This product perfectly cleans and heals the scalp. You need to use natural kefir - the product is applied to the hair and rubbed into the skin, put on a sachet or polyethylene hat, wrapped in a towel. After half an hour the mask can be washed off, using very little shampoo.

Instead of kefir, you can use table mustard. The product is diluted with water to a consistency of sour cream and rubbed into the skin. They wrap their head in the usual way, after 5 minutes the mask is washed off. Mustard neutralizes fat, makes hair soft and shiny.