Match hair color by color

The change of image is a very important matter. Especially it concerns the change in hair color, because if you decided to repaint them, the result should not disappoint, but please. That is why it is important to choose the right hair color by the color type, to which your appearance applies.

Types of appearance and good colors for them

Color-types of appearance are conditionally divided by the seasons, and each of them has its basic combination of colors, as well as the shades that are most suitable for it. "Cold group" is winter and, strangely enough, summer, and warm types - spring and autumn. Let's analyze each color type separately:

  1. Winter . The most bright and contrasting color type. As a rule, girls who belong to him have skin and hair of cold shades. The hue of the skin can be from pale porcelain to olive, and the hair is mostly dark, but also of cold shades: ashy and black. If your color pattern is winter, hair color should be chosen from cold and preferably dark shades. If you still want to be a blonde, then make a choice in favor of ash flowers, without honey or wheat yellowness.
  2. Spring . This bluetotypes include most blondes. They are characterized by light ruddy skin of peach tones, blond or light chestnut hair. Light warm colors in appearance almost always mean a color-like spring, and hair color is also worth choosing in this same range. It will not look good black, cold dark or eggplant shades.
  3. Summer . Color-type summer is a combination of muffled cool colors. Skin color is light with a cold shade or cold-bronze, the hair has ash-blond or chestnut color. The color of hair for summer color-type is better to choose accordingly - here bright bright colors like red, honey-chestnut, wheat will not look good.
  4. Autumn . Another "warm" color-type, but brighter than spring. It includes red-haired beauties, as well as everyone who has a light peach-bronze skin tone, freckles of red or brown, and hair with golden and red hues. If your color pattern is autumn, hair color is better to choose in shades of ocher and honey, as well as dark chestnut or honey blond, but not too light. Do not paint in coal black or ashy colors.