Multifollular ovaries - treatment

When more than 12 simultaneously enlarged follicles are formed on the ovary, they are called multifollicular. Changes in the size of the follicles (pouch for the egg) occurs in all women at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle. If such changes do not pass, then it may be necessary to resort to a doctor's consultation.

Before deciding how to treat multifollicular ovaries, you need to determine the cause of their occurrence.

Causes of the appearance of multifollicular ovaries

Common causes, due to which there are multifollikulyarnye ovaries:

Thus, the diagnosis may not even require treatment, since some of the causes of this phenomenon can be eliminated without the help of special medicines.

How to treat multifollicular ovaries?

Often multifollicular ovaries do not require special treatment. The following options are possible:

  1. The purpose of the diet, if they are caused by problems with the set or weight loss.
  2. The appointment of hormonal contraceptives in the event that it contributes to treatment.
  3. Admission of antiandrogenic drugs.

Treating the folk remedies multifollikulyarnye ovaries need with extreme caution, it is better to consult a doctor. Of the folk remedies for normalizing the ovaries, tinctures from the leaves of the red brush and sage, the hogweed are popular.

The main folk way of treatment will be - to adhere to the right and healthy diet, exercise, keep your weight within the norm, not allowing its sharp jumps.

For those who want to become pregnant, they perform drug stimulation with multifollicular ovaries to form ovulation.