Antinuclear antibodies

Most rheumatic diseases and connective tissue pathologies are related to autoimmune diseases. For their diagnosis, a blood test from the venous bed is needed. The biological fluid is tested for ANA-antinuclear or antinuclear antibodies. During the analysis, not only the presence and quantity of these cells is established, but also the type of their staining with special reagents, which makes it possible to accurately diagnose.

When is it necessary to determine the antinuclear antibodies?

The main indications for conducting the laboratory analysis under consideration are such diseases:

Also, the analysis on the ANA makes it possible to clarify the following diagnoses:

Positive blood test for antinuclear antibodies

If antinuclear antibodies are detected in the biological fluid in an amount exceeding the established acceptable limits, it is believed that suspicions of the development of an autoimmune disease are confirmed.

To clarify the diagnosis, a 2-step chemiluminescent staining method using a special reagent is possible.

What is the norm of antinuclear antibodies?

A healthy person with normally functioning immunity of the described cells should not be at all. But in a number of cases, for example, after the transfer of infection, a small number of them is found.

The normal value of ANA is ImG, which does not exceed the ratio 1: 160. With such indicators, the analysis is negative.

How to donate blood to antinuclear antibodies?

The biological fluid for research is taken from the vein on the elbow, strictly on an empty stomach.

No previous restrictions in the diet are required, but it is important to avoid taking certain medications: