Ovarian cystatenoma

The diagnosis of cystadenoma of the ovary is made by the doctor if the woman has an ovarian tumor, that is, a bulky tumor with a clearly expressed capsule and epithelial lining that, unlike the ovarian cyst, is capable of blastomatous (malignant) growth and proliferation. The largest group of epithelial benign ovarian tumors is represented by cystadenomas. Previously, in medical practice, such a disease was called a cystoma.

Types of cystadenoma

Depending on how the epithelial lining is constructed and what is contained inside the capsule, the cystadenomas are divided into mucinous and serous. Of all tumors forming on the epithelium, 70% of the tumors are serous ovarian cystadenomas. In turn, serous tumors are divided into cilioepithelial and papillary cyst (papillary cystadenoma of the ovary). Serous cystadenoma is an ordinary cyst, the membrane of which is a dense epithelial tissue. Usually, this tumor is round, one-chambered and in 95% of cases is located in one of the ovaries.

Papillary cystadenoma from serous is not much different. But there is a difference: such a tumor is characterized by the presence of parietal growths. When there are a lot of them, the cyst acquires a heterogeneity, which complicates the diagnosis, because the symptoms are similar to the manifestations of cancer, hydrosalping and teratoma. For this type of tumor is characterized by the presence on the epithelium of the papillae, so the disease is called papillary cystadenoma of the ovaries. With a large proliferation of papillae resemble cauliflower. There is another type - border cystadenoma of the ovary, which is characterized not only by the abundance of papillae, but also by the formation of extensive fields around them.

The most common form is the mucinous ovarian cystadenoma, which in exceptional cases can weigh about 15 kilograms and grow to gigantic proportions. At ultrasound examination the doctor discovers a multicellular tumor that contains mucosis. This secret is quite dense, with sediment and suspension, so it is easy to recognize mucinous cystadenoma. This type of disease should be distinguished from serous cystadenoma, endometriosis and tekalyutine cysts.

Treatment of cystadenoma

This kind of tumors does not tolerate disregard, because the growth of education disrupts the work of organs located nearby. So, the pressure of the cyst on the intestine provokes a constant nausea. Among the symptoms of ovarian cystadenoma are also abdominal pain and a constant general weakness. In addition, no one can guarantee a woman that a tumor will not develop into a malignant one in time. Symptom is similar in both ovarian cancer and intestinal cancer. That's why after ultrasound and blood tests, biopsy and X-ray treatment of cystadenoma of the ovary begins immediately.

It is impossible to name precisely the cause of the formation of such a tumor, but it is believed that a great role in this process is assigned to heredity, weakened immunity, to other gynecological diseases that are accompanied by hormonal violations. But, whatever the causes of ovarian cystadenoma, it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention. Such kind of tumors is treated only by operative radical way. To delay in this case it is impossible, because in time the scale of surgical intervention will increase.

For women of reproductive age, doctors are trying to perform an organ-saving operation, which leaves quite good chances for a future pregnancy. But when the climax came, and keep the reproductive function of a woman does not make sense, then the affected ovaries are removed along with the uterus.