Painful monthly - the reason

The main cause of painful periods in women is the disruption of the hormonal system. As a rule, in such cases, pain is mainly observed in the lower part of the abdomen and can give back. In doing so, it is mostly blunt, pulling character. Often, along with painful sensations with menstruation, headaches, nausea, weakness, dizziness are noted. Some women can observe the appearance of pain several hours before the appearance of bleeding, and some after.

Why do menstruation pass very painfully?

Pain in the lower abdomen occurs when there is a reduction in uterine musculature. For fairness, it should be noted that minor contractions of the myometrium are almost always observed. However, during menstruation, they are most pronounced, have a high intensity and frequency.

With contraction of the uterus, some blood vessels are infringed, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the uterus itself. As a result of a shortage of oxygen, the tissues of internal reproductive organs begin to release into the blood chemical compounds, which also lead to the appearance of severe pain. It is this fact that serves as an explanation of why girls have painful periods.

Until the end is not studied, the fact that because of some women's menstrual flow more painful than others. Concerning this, physiological scientists have suggested that this fact can be caused by the accumulation in the body of a large number of prostaglandins, which can cause pain during menstruation.

Why else can there be very painful periods?

Most often, pain with menstrual discharge is observed within 12-24 hours. The greatest intensity of pain occurs at the peak of discharge.

If we speak directly about why the menstruation is painful, the following diseases should be mentioned, in which menstruation is almost always accompanied by such a symptom. Among them:

These are just some of the reasons for the very painful periods in women. In order to accurately determine what leads to painful sensations during menstruation, a girl must undergo a lot of examinations, which will help to establish the existing violation.