Severe pain with menstruation - causes

Many women note different discomfort during menstruation. It can be soreness in the back or stomach. Often complain that critical days are accompanied by problems with the skin, mood disorders. For some, indispositions become unbearable during this period. Therefore it is useful to know the causes of severe pain with menstruation, because in some cases there is a way out of the situation. Just need the help of a specialist.

Why there are strong pains with menstruation?

Painful menstruation scientifically called algodismenorrhea. Her reasons may differ for young girls and women who have given birth.

Primary algodismenorea develops either immediately after the first menstruation, or within three years after it. Doctors believe that this is a consequence of other problems in the body.

The causes of severe pain during menstruation may be neurological disorders. Neuroses, emotional instability increase painful sensations, make them more pronounced.

Genetic disorders of connective tissue can also cause discomfort. This condition is manifested by flat feet, scoliosis, nearsightedness. In the growing up organism magnesium deficiency is determined.

Anomalies in the structure of the uterus complicate the outflow of menstrual blood. As a result of increased uterine contractions and pains appear.

About secondary algodismenore speak, if the patient already gave birth. Such women have very good reasons for very severe pain with menstruation. Sometimes this is the result of any ailments in the genital area:

Also, severe malaise can occur as a result of complicated labor or after surgery. Also, frequent abortions lead to algodismenare. Soreness can also appear after the installation of the spiral.

Hormonal disorders also can explain why there are severe pain with menstruation. It deals with both young girls and mature women. If the production of progesterone is increased, then the amount of prostaglandins increases in the body. They are necessary to ensure contractions of the uterus. If there are a lot of them, then the unpleasant sensations increase.

Critical days are a time when the body works particularly actively. During this period, different health problems may appear, not only in the reproductive system. Sometimes women mistakenly associate pain with menstruation, while pathology lies in other areas. It can be kidney disease, osteochondrosis.

Incorrect mode of the day, hard work, frequent stresses also explain why they can suffer very severe pain with menstruation. Provoke a problem may lack of calcium, magnesium in the menu.


This problem should be addressed to a gynecologist. He will prescribe tests and examinations. If necessary, then you will have to visit other specialists. Having identified the cause of the pain, the doctor has the opportunity to prescribe treatment.

It is important that usually the pain passes through 1 or 2 days after the onset of menstruation. Therefore, when they continue until the end of the bleeding or remain after it, it is worth to visit the doctor as soon as possible. Also, one should be alerted if earlier critical days passed painlessly and such a disturbance of health is observed for the first time.

To suffer illnesses it is impossible, as it harms the nervous system. Some women eliminate pain with pain medication. But any medicine should be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, the body eventually gets used to the action of drugs.