Paraovarial cyst - how dangerous is the tumor, how to treat it and when to remove it?

Cysts are cavities that are filled with fluid inside. Their localization can be different. Often they affect the reproductive system of women. One of the varieties is the paraovarian cyst that forms in the ovary.

The parovarial cyst of the ovary - what is it?

The parovarial cyst of the ovary is formed in a space that is bounded by the ligament of the uterus, the ovary and the fallopian tube. It affects not only the sexual gland, but also the appendages of the uterus. The cyst itself is a thin-walled formation of an oval, less rounded, and taut consistency. Located directly above the uterus or side of the genital organ. The thickness of the transparent cyst walls does not exceed 1-2 mm.

Inside the cyst is a smooth-walled homogeneous structure filled with a watery liquid. In its composition there is a large amount of protein and a little mucin. Education is characterized by low mobility, slow growth. The increase in size occurs as a result of accumulation of the contents of the cyst, stretching its walls. Paraovarial cyst in diameter can reach 10-15 cm. Such formations are not predisposed to malignancy (degeneration into cancer).

Paraovarian Ovarian Cyst - Causes

The main cause of parovarial cyst, like other similar formations, is a hormonal failure in the body. However, in practice, when examining and establishing the cause, doctors are faced with a situation in which the cyst has a multifactorial origin (developed under the influence of several reasons). In gynecology, it is common to identify the following provoking factors, the presence of which increases the risk of cyst formation:

Paraovarian cyst of ovary left

The parovarial cyst on the left develops for the same reasons as listed above. A feature of the pathology is the localization of education in the region of the left ovary, in the space between the gland and the fallopian tube. In this regard, possible painful sensations and other symptoms of pathology will be fixed mainly in the left half of the body.

Paraviarial cyst of the right ovary

It should be noted that the right parovarial cyst, the causes of which are similar to those described above, is more often left. This regularity is connected with the topology and physiological features of the right ovary. When the disease is painful, it is observed in the lower abdomen on the right and can be given to the inguinal region.

Paravirus cyst on both sides

This type of pathology is recorded infrequently. In most cases, the parovarial cyst of the left ovary or the right develops first, and then the tumor cells pass to the healthy sexual gland. This is due to good blood supply to the cavity of the small pelvis, to the reproductive system as a whole. Symptomatic in this form is non-localized: pain can occur on one side or the other side of the abdomen. At the same time, the sizes of such formations often differ. In the late stages of pathology, abdominal asymmetry may occur.

What is dangerous paraovarial cyst?

Paraovariast cyst, the size of which can reach 15-25 cm in diameter, does not manifest itself in the early stages, therefore the disease is recorded in the stage of swelling. Many patients learn about the cyst only with the development of complications. Frequent of such is the torsion of the leg - the strand that connects the formation with the ovary or the ligament of the uterus. As a result, there is a clamping of the ligament, nerve trunks and vessels. In rare cases, there may be a clamping of the uterine tube. Such a condition can lead to necrosis of the parovarial cyst, which is accompanied by:

With prolonged absence of therapy, cysts can go fester. It arises as a result of infection through the blood or lymph from the chronic foci of infection in the body. A characteristic sign of complication is a rapid and sharp increase in body temperature, which can reach 39 degrees. Women notice spilled pain in the abdomen, vomiting, signs of intoxication (weakness, headache).

The rupture of the parovarial cyst occurs when it reaches a large diameter. Thus there are signs of a shock condition: sharp dagger pain, pressure decrease, deterioration of consciousness, a headache. All these complications require urgent surgical intervention. The scope of the operation is determined by the clinical picture (oophorectomy, andneksektomiya).

Paravirus cyst and pregnancy

Women who have this pathology often think about whether the paravarian cyst affects the conception. Doctors say that this education is not an obstacle for conception. Confirmation of this is the case of pregnancy, in which during the next ultrasound revealed parovarial cyst. If the diameter of the formation does not exceed 5 cm, doctors adhere to expectant tactics: they establish a follow-up for a pregnant woman, conducting an ultrasound scan every 2 weeks.

If the cyst has a diameter larger than 5 cm and continues to grow, a decision may be made to perform a surgical response. Thus doctors try to combine this action with sorts. If the delivery is still far from the delivery, and the cyst is large, prevents the normal development of the fetus, laparoscopy is performed - a low-traumatic operation, in which access is made through three punctures on the abdominal wall.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst - symptoms

Small cystic formations do not give symptoms. A woman can walk with a cyst for a long time without knowing her existence. Pathology can be detected with a routine examination or ultrasound in the diagnosis of another disease. The first signs and clinical manifestations of pathology are noted when the cyst reaches a diameter of 5 cm. The growth of the cyst is accompanied by a periodic appearance of aching and flushing pains in the side from the side of the lesion. Often, painful feelings are given to the sacrum. There is no connection with menstruation and ovulation with such pains.

Increased pain occurs with increased physical activity, exercise. A characteristic feature is a sharp, spontaneous cessation of pain. There are other clinical signs of the disease. When a parovarial cyst develops, the symptoms can be as follows:

Paraovarian ovarian cyst - treatment without surgery

Initially, physicians conduct numerous examinations to find out whether hydrosalpinx or paraovarial cyst is observed in a particular case. With a hydrosalpinx, fluid accumulates in the tube lumen, which also causes a change in its volume. Doctors say that the treatment of parovarial cysts without surgery is not possible.

If the education has small volumes, expectant management tactics can be taken: physicians attempt hormonal therapy, with the help of which it is rarely possible to achieve positive results. Due to the fact that the paraovarian cyst is more common in women of reproductive age and can be complicated, doctors prefer to adhere to surgical treatment. Planned removal of the cyst is mandatory in the planning of pregnancy by IVF.

Paraovarial cyst - treatment with hormones

When a parovarial cyst is found, treatment with hormones is rarely done. According to clinical studies, the use of hormonal drugs against this type of cyst is ineffective. However, as part of the complex therapy of cysts, they can be used. These drugs are prescribed for symptomatic treatment, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, which is sometimes broken with the parovarial cyst. In such cases, drugs based on estrogen and progesterone are used:

Paraovarial cyst - treatment with folk remedies

With a disease such as a parovarian ovarian cyst, treatment with folk remedies can be considered an auxiliary method. With their help you can reduce pain, remove some of the symptoms.

Infusion of herbs


Preparation, application

  1. Herbs are ground, poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist in a thermos for 1 day.
  3. Add honey and vodka, stir.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.

Removal of paraovarian cyst

When a parovarial cyst is detected, it is necessary to remove the formation - the doctor decides. A tumor less than 5 cm in diameter is not removed. The operation itself is performed by the method of laparoscopy - surgical intervention, in which access to education is provided through small punctures in the anterior abdominal wall. With large diameters of formation, surgery can be performed by laparotomy.

Paraovarial cyst - operation

Laparoscopy paraovarial cyst is the preferred method of surgical intervention. In the absence of complications during surgery, the front sheet of the broad ligament of the uterus is dissected and the cyst is excavated. In this case, the ovary and the uterine tube are retained. Due to the retractive properties of the deformed fallopian tube is shortened and takes the same shape. The reproductive function is not violated.