How correctly to do an enema?

Once on the radio "" one of the well-known parodists uttered the following phrase: "It's good that every living organism has a hole for an enema". It was vulgar, of course, but then it was funny. However, we are not talking about the aesthetics of the language and not about the vulgarity of modern parodists, but about the subject of the joke itself - the enema. This procedure was conducted by each of us at least once in our lives, but how, that's the question. Let's talk about how to properly do an enema before sex, babies and older children, pregnant or for weight loss. And also about the classification and some nuances of this subject.

Enema is different

But before you start discussing the rules of setting an enema, you need to understand its types and the basic concepts associated with it. By their classification, all enemas are divided into the following.

  1. Cleaning. This is probably the most common and well-known option. Apply cleansing enema with constipation, during toxemia in pregnant women, before childbirth or anal sex, and as a variant of rapid weight loss. About how to properly make a cleansing enema child at a different age, before giving birth, sex or for weight loss will be discussed below.
  2. Healing. This enema is a small, 30-50 ml, volume, containing in its composition broths of herbs and medicines. They are used for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, cracks in the rectum, inflammatory diseases of the large intestine, as well as for the removal of various helminths from the body and in those cases when it is necessary to achieve rapid action of the drug on the site of the disease. After all, the mucous membrane, permeated with blood vessels, is the shortest way to suck substances into the blood and deliver them to a body in need of help.
  3. Nutritious. This kind of syringing as well as enemas are medicinal, refers to microclysters. Their volume does not exceed 50 ml. Basically, these are oil-vitamin solutions used for beriberi, dysbacteriosis and similar health problems.

Well, and two words about the nuances. Whatever and who would not put an enema, the water in it should not be above 37 and below 35 degrees. The tip, as well as the entrance to the anal opening, should be lubricated with petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil to avoid injury to the rectal mucosa. And, if the enema is made for children, the tip should be soft rubber, and not rigid plastic. Pose while taking this procedure, either lying on your left side, or standing on your elbows and knees. And now consider the technique of how to make a cleansing enema for a child, before giving birth or in any other cases.

Cleansing enema technique

So, the general rules are as follows. We take a two-liter rubber container, called the Esmarch mug, and fill it with water at room temperature. In the water you can add a decoction of chamomile or a little salt. Then the tank with water is suspended at a height of 1.5-2 meters from the surface on which the patient will lie. The tip is lubricated with vaseline or oil and injected into the anus. When all the manipulations have been carried out, we open the tap, which is equipped with an enema hose. The patient should immediately feel a feeling of filling in the intestines. In order not to cause discomfort, during this procedure, you need to breathe deeply and evenly and stroke your stomach in a clockwise direction. It should be noted that this method is suitable only for adults. For children, other volumes of liquid are used. And one more clause, pregnant women are easier to clean on all fours, and the cleansing enema before birth should be performed in their early stages, until the cervix has not opened.

How correctly to introduce an enema to a child?

Enema children is also done as adults, only the volumes here are quite different:

The position of the body is lying on the left side and pressing the legs to the stomach. And instead of a mug Esmarha take a small "pear". And do not forget to put an oilcloth.

A few words after

As for microclysters, they are put on the same pattern, only after their production it is necessary to lie on the stomach, tightly squeezing the buttocks. After all, the contents must be absorbed. And one more warning. Do not get carried away by cleansing enemas. Frequent use of them can lead to chronic constipation and intestinal dysbiosis. Use them only when other means do not help, and be healthy.