Ozone therapy for face

One of the most promising areas in cosmetology is ozone therapy or active oxygen therapy. This procedure has a rejuvenating effect on the skin and organs, promotes intensive cleansing of the body from toxins and free radicals, normalizes blood flow and metabolic processes in tissues. Especially useful is ozone therapy for the face, since the unique properties of active oxygen can eliminate such cosmetic defects as double chin, wrinkles, acne , spider veins, enlarged pores.

Procedure History

Nikola Tesla succeeded in obtaining active oxygen in the 19th century. The healing and antiseptic properties of ozone were immediately evaluated by physicians, so this substance was used to treat purulent wounds, burns and ulcers. Also with the help of ozone, water was disinfected. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, oxygen treatment was completely safe, and the effectiveness of such therapy did not have to be doubted: the wounds not only healed 5 times faster, but the scars after them remained less noticeable.

To date, ozonotherapy of the face from acne, couperose, the first signs of aging and other defects is completely safe, repeatedly tested and effective procedure.

Ozone therapy from the second chin

Because of the oxygen starvation of tissues (hypoxia), aging processes develop more intensively. Because of this, the skin becomes less elastic and dry.

Under the influence of ozone, the ability of cells to retain moisture is restored, while stimulating the synthesis of collagen, so necessary for skin tone. Exchange processes at the cellular level are catalyzed, so treatment with oxygen is especially important in the presence of excessive fatty layer in the face, neckline, neck.

If before the ozonotherapy of the face there was a second chin , after a complex of procedures the outlines of the neck get more elegant look, the skin becomes tightened and looks young.

Introduce active oxygen into problem areas with the help of the thinnest needles, so the procedure does not cause painful sensations. If the whole body requires rejuvenation, the preparation enriched with ozone is administered intravenously via a dropper - this eliminates the hypoxia of all tissues and improves the functioning of the internal organs.

Ozone therapy for acne

Antibacterial properties of active oxygen can permanently get rid of acne, the cause of which is bacteria, usually already resistant to all kinds of antibiotics.

Ozone not only eliminates germs, destroying their membranes, but also restores the protective functions of the skin. The procedure for ozone therapy against acne is carried out according to the scheme described above - inflamed spots on the face are cut off by active oxygen through needles. With extensive acne, one session lasts about 20 minutes.

How often can I do ozonotherapy?

The frequency of procedures and their number within a single course of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the survey. Ozone therapy for acne is carried out every five days, and the course includes 5 to 6 such procedures. Puffiness and inflammation decrease already a few hours after the first injections of the oxygen-ozone mixture.

When treating excess amount of subcutaneous fat in the face area, a course of 10-12 procedures is indicated, they are administered no more often than 2 times a week. Ozone therapy as a means of getting rid of the second chin and wrinkles is carried out every six months, while between the courses once a month it is desirable to repeat the procedure to maintain the effect.

It is effective to combine treatment with an oxygen-ozone mixture with peelings using glycolic acid. Usually for 10 procedures of ozonotherapy, 2 - 5 sessions of peeling occur.