Is it painful to remove the wisdom tooth?

Eighth molars can erupt at any age, while delivering a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant sensations. Therefore, most dentists advise them to extract as soon as possible. Adult people often worry about whether it is painful to remove the wisdom tooth at maturity, how safe it is and whether it will cause complications.

Is it painful to remove the eighth root tooth?

Before deciding on a procedure, you should consult your dentist about its appropriateness. Wisdom teeth are not removed if they are normally erupted, not displaced or necessary for the installation of crowns or bridges. Most often, from the eighth molars it is still worth to get rid of, as these data cause displacement of the dentition, spread of caries and interfere with the installation of braces.

The painfulness of the operation depends on its complexity. There are three degrees:

Let us consider in more detail.

Anesthesia with a simple tooth extraction wisdom

The described procedure, as a rule, occurs rather quickly.

First, the doctor finds out if the patient has allergic reactions to the main pain medications, and then selects the appropriate type of anesthetic. It is worth noting that to remove the upper eighth of molars requires not too intense drug, the duration of which is 3-5 minutes. When eliminating the lower wisdom teeth, a stronger analgesic and a long period of waiting for the effect (8-10 minutes) is necessary. This is due to the dense structure of the bone tissue of the lower jaw, which complicates the operation.

Simple removal involves the use of local anesthesia , forceps and an elevator, without drilling out the tooth and cutting the gums (rarely required). Such procedure passes painlessly, unpleasant sensations arise only after the cessation of action of medicines, disappear after a few days, when the gum begins to grow together.

Is it painful to remove a sick wisdom tooth?

The eighth molar with the curved and branched roots, the course of inflammatory processes or the destroyed upper part is subject to a complex removal.

Before the operation, a radiograph of the jaw is performed to assess the extent of the lesions. Usually such actions are supposed:

In such situations, the wisdom tooth is not painfully removed, but after the procedure, unpleasant sensations are quite palpable. Therefore, the subsequent careful care of the oral cavity is recommended, sometimes - the reception of antibiotics and treatment of mucous membranes with antiseptic solutions, rinses.

The above manipulations are also applied when removing the retinulted tooth (not yet sprouted). This education often provokes internal inflammatory processes in the jaw bone, displacement of the dentition, destruction of the roots of neighboring teeth.

Consequences of the operation

The complications of the procedure are extremely rare, but sometimes arise after the wisdom tooth has been removed - it is painful to swallow, pershit in the throat. This is due to the fact that the hole in the gums is located in close proximity to the tonsils. As a rule, the pain disappears after 3-5 days. In exceptional cases, especially after infection of the mucosa, angina develops and inflammation of the tonsils, which requires special therapy.