Pancreas treatment with pills

The pancreas after the liver is the largest in the body. In an adult, it has a length of about 12-14 cm and is located under the stomach at the level of the first vertebrae of the lumbar region. The task of the body is the production of pancreatic juice, contained in which the enzymes are responsible for the breakdown of food, as well as the synthesis of hormones, in particular - insulin.

Diseases of the pancreas

The body is prone to such diseases as:

Pancreatic cancer involves treatment with anesthetic tablets only at an inoperable stage, in other cases, removal of the tumor is indicated. In cystic fibrosis in parallel with diet therapy with Pancreatin and other enzymes is indicated. Diabetes is, strictly speaking, not so much a pancreatic disease as the result of an insufficient amount of insulin produced by it.

Therefore, consider the treatment of a disease such as inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis, which can be represented by acute and chronic forms.

Treatment of acute inflammation of the pancreas

Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, giving back, as well as nausea, fever, general weakness - that is, marked symptoms of intoxication of the body, which arises from the release of the iron-inflamed digestive enzymes into the blood.

This condition requires immediate hospitalization. even despite the modern approach to the treatment of pancreatic diseases, lethality reaches 7-15%.

Acute pancreatitis implies a strict diet and treatment:

Treatment of chronic inflammation of the pancreas

If, in acute pancreatitis, there is a chance to restore the full functioning of the inflamed organ, the chronic form presupposes the inevitable fading of the functions of the pancreas.

In chronic inflammation, a diet is indicated. For the removal of pain in the pancreas, treatment is prescribed with choli- and antispasmodics: Atropine, Platyphylline, No-shpa, Papaverin.

To get rid of dyspepsia (abnormalities of the stomach) take antacids (Almagel, Phosphalugel and other alkaline compounds), as well as H2-blockers (Ranitidine, Famotidine).

Once the exacerbation is removed and the pain syndrome is stopped, preparations of a group of enzymes for the treatment of the pancreas are prescribed: Creon, Panzinorm and its analogs, Pankurmen.

Thanks to the treatment of the pancreas with drugs that have enzymes in their composition, it is possible to eliminate or reduce dyspepsia, normalize the process of calorification and restore a healthy body weight. Patients with chronic pancreatitis need to continue enzyme therapy for a long time, since the abatement of severe exacerbation usually requires 3-5 weeks, and complete fading takes 6-12 months. All this time you need to take enzymes.

Treatment in special cases

Sometimes an inflammation of the pancreas is attached to the infection, and then they talk about the development of cholangitis or peripancreatitis. Having evaluated the symptoms, the doctor prescribes pancreas treatment with tablets (or more precisely - solutions for injections) of the group of antibiotics: Ampiox, Cefobide, Cefuroxime, Doxycycline, Cefspane.

If inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by its edema, antiferment therapy is used with the use of Contrikal, Gordoksa. To remove a very severe pain, use Analgin or (in extreme cases) narcotic drugs.